It’s easy to grin
It’s easy to grin
pile it on, no one gives a shit and it changes nothing but reminds us all anew (for the x time that day) how much this country eats shit
I have smoked weed since I was 15 and never had an issue, but less than a year after taking oxy for the first time I was scoring dope in the streets. Been off that shit for 4 years but still get scared over what might have become of me.
I used to take oxy on a daily basis, but medical marijuana has allowed me to quit almost entirely.
That’s why their sales are down 40%. They need more lives.
Fuck this.
Unbelievable. If I recall correctly, from what I’ve read the whole “opiophobia” bullshit was used in the US in the 90s and is part of what got us into this whole disaster currently.
Fucking evil bastards haven’t killed enough people here?
Did talented and kind escape you? As a woman who of partial North African descent, who was mocked and bullied in childhood for having large lips (‘bongo lips’ was the insult if you must know), and unconventional colouring, hell, yeah, I’m going to value a Black woman’s beauty. And shout it from the rooftops.
Its hard to see.
Receiving money from a foreign government is, in fact, an impeachable offense under the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.
That’s not petty of you at all. She’s a hateful bigot. I don’t care what happens to her either.
A lot of people DIDN’T survive Bush the Lesser.
Its time to fight, not cry.
Look, I’m just as disappointed in this election’s outcome as anyone. But could we all stop with the fucking crying about it? Seriously, put on your fucking big boy and big girl pants and start figuring out what to do now. Jesus fucking
Christ on a stick.
I think w was a terrible president but I don’t think he was a bad man. I think he was a rich, party boy way over his head surrounded by the axis of evil. If he owned like a car dealership I could see him bringing his employees doughnuts on Fridays. Donald is a fundamentally bad person. I seriously don’t think he was…