
Hey, so, cool fact. A detailed depth-diameter relationship of Lunar craters was done along with determining “fill” of material within said craters. I worked on a similar project for Mars - where orbital variation data from man-made satellites was used to help determine the mass of material within a crater, and thus

Not seeing how this deal works - appears to only work for new members? Tried buying as a gift as well, and still came up at $60. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks!

Not seeing how this deal works - appears to only work for new members? Tried buying as a gift as well, and still

Wasn’t White Sand the first visualization of a Sanderson Story? Which won’t ever actually appear in novel form (I believe). I think you have it correct, but the quote seems off. As White Sand is also part of Cosmere.

“What is so hard to understand about why it’s confusing to say that you signed up because your brother signed up because you signed up?” - possibly best sentence I have read all week.

I can’t figure out if this is the only set of concerts, or there will be a new set next year. The expiration is 2020, but the list of concerts notes that the vouchers can be used for select shows from now until May 2017. - Anyone know?

Based on size, looks like this was the 50 inch model. Quick search on Amazon turned up various prices for various models ($450 for 43"; $650 for 55"; and $550 for the 50")

I think “country” is pronounced “horse shelves”??? Am I missing something?

I’m pretty sure Stormlight is supposed to be like 10 books; not a trilogy. So...yeah...we get to wait..and wait.. I’ve already read the first two books twice each.