Peanut Head

I think Oleg is being recruited again to try to turn Stan? I also think Stan's new girlfriend is placed by them. Their interest in Stan and this new report on Gaad's death can't be a coincidence. I hope Oleg makes it out alive. he is one of my favourite characters. Still not sure I trust Tuan. Martha broke my heart

Just watched the episode again and still laughed out loud. Ben was an advisor to everyone… as long as the check cleared.

Kent trying to figure out Sue's age and how long She has been working at the white house was some of his most hilarious scenes. " so you caught The Godfather on tv last night? There was nothing like seeing it in the theatre when it first came out. Back in '72."

Kent: "there is literally no georgian law and I am using literally correctly." Kent will never change.

I didn't realize how much I missed jonah and Richard together. I cried laughing this episode. They are all at their best when they play off each other.

He jumped into an ice hole. Excuse me!!!

Thanks for expressing your thoughts, feelings so profoundly. Its so cathartic to read Allison's review and everyone's brilliant take.

Pedantic much?

Allison your writing, review gave me the chills. How fcking brilliant! I will have to rewatch the this episode. Im not sure I can binge watch this show. There is so much to process and savor and comtemplate and appreciate…

Seeing kent made me miss sue. I hope we get to see sue this series

The fact that he chose to say it's an unfinished basement first- killed me.

I'm having a hard time guaging Tuan. Something's dodgy about that kid. And he seems quite sociopathic…. i wonder if he is double crossing them? Or just has his own agenda? Hmmm

Not to mention… russia in the 80's was like or worst than a 3rd world country

Philip will never forgive Gabriel. Given that he knows so little about his own parents and it's killing him now…. he will have a difficult time accepting Gabriel's lie. I think if he had to choose he would choose family over country. Pretty duor episode with spectacular acting.

Bloody hell!! Wow! Just watched that twice and I am still speechless. Alexander Skarsgård- that performance!! I have always been a Nicole Kidaman agnostic but- bloody hell- I AM A FULLY CONVERTED! Her performance throughout the entire series has been nothing less than perfection.


Rectify came back with a bang, didn't it? wow! It was good to see Daniel on his own without the protection, influence, frustration of his family and watch him navigate the "real world' and deal with his emotions and perceptions uninfluenced. His speech about his lack of memory of the crime and how he has been

Adam- it's not too obscure for your brain- I can assure you of that. Fret not. It really just wasnt well done. Too many loose ends and unexplained plot lines and characters. I watched while it was on in the UK and a lot of people felt the same way then. I can't bring myself to attempt again. If it helps- read the

Molly you should have watched beyond episode 4. It got increasingly more frustrating. By the end it bordered on the ridiculous.

Please don't fck it up Mandel. please? Innucci left some pretty giant size boots to fill- and he paved the way for you. Happy with the season- please make us proud next season. Make Armado proud. Thick of it in my opinion of is one of the best comedies ever made. We are counting on you with veep.