Peanut Head

Hey when someone says hire hot interns amd you hire 5 ken dolls… It's a fair assessment. And I love it. Would love to see them explore that next season. He is so lovable and awkward it would be interestimg to see how he navigates that.

Agreed. I felt manipulated by the episode. It was hard to tell where everlasting's manipulation ended and where UnReal began. The whole thing was just not believable. You cant lock a grown woman in a room against her will… Thats just not believable or legal even. I was quite disenchanted with the episode- annoyed

Was nice to see john slattery again even- even if it was just his pixilated willy running behind a door jamb

That footage is going to come back to haunt him. Of course Richard finally learned to keep the camera on- whilst he drives no less!!! The jacket he stole from the closet with the ridiculously short sleeves had my squawking.

Did Jonah sleep with an underage girl? I was a bit confused at that. Arent country day schools high schools?

Hmmm I think maybe she never takes her meds regularly which is why she has these episodes. And, really? her mum shouldn't be treating her. Or writimg her scripts. The shows analyst seems genuinely concerned about her.

I wasn't that keen on the first episode last week and then I rewatched right before episode 2. Episode 2 really kicked into gear. I love how so many issues are being addressed without it all being shoved down our throats in a nice little package. Besides all the obvious that Gwen touched on- I love the way they are

Erik, bravo to you for a job well done this season. The americans has made a poet of you! I've enjoyed every momemt. Have a coke

Oh Hugh Laurie!!!!! how much I love you, let's count the ways. Was he actually limping after selina gave him a proper rogering? This show is bloody bonkers and I love it.

That's right… He did. Ha!

Dope or dopey?

Selina' "soul diving" comment was hysterical. And gary asking "giddy" marjorie if she wanted Korean was priceless! Her giddiness is contagoius. Jonah is still on the fructose intolerance bit. Charlie telling Selina he knows she had her eyes done for some reason made me lose my shit. That was the best he could do in a

This will be the new "hey sue did the president call?" When she was vp… That made me giggle so much

Selina to Katherine about not going to mee maw for thanksgiving… "Oh I can't honey… I have to call all those congress people. Mommy has to whip the vote. Whip it real good. Geez who is that?" Kent with resounding confidence- Devo. Ha!

I know, right? And then he walks away saying "god bless america."

Fuck, Ken and Sue. Those two together are the best. Furlong making that poor woman cry was hysterical.

"Did he just say zit? How come no one ever try to assisinate a vice president?" Re-watching this and I am crying. I am so happy this show is back!

Combaticus, I lost it at that point… That was pure brilliance

Zack how unfotunate that you cose to review the entire series insted of episode by episode. Unfortunately, you do such a disservice to the avid, intelligent AV club reader. I saw the entire series and it is worth a per episode review. Your overall take seems lazy. And btw- your take of Tom Hollander's character as

Erik coooommmeeee baaaaack!