Peameal Bacon

I thought Megan was jealous or resentful that Don was showing love and giving support to Stephanie and, according to Stephanie's comments, it would be unconditional and uncontrolling, whereas Megan feels Don is more restrictive and judgmental with her.

I think saying Jaime's swordmanship has "deteriorated" is an understatement. He's gone from, arguably, the best in the Seven Kingdoms to very poor. Could he beat an untrained peasant in a swordfight? Probably. But I think anyone with training, even a schlub like Meryn Trant, would defeat Jaime 49 times out of 50.

The Mountain was off leading a group of men pillaging, raping, burning, and murdering their way through the Riverlands at the time. This was reported to Ned while he was still Hand, shortly before his arrest, and Ned proclaimed Gregor Clegane a traitor and send Beric Dondarrion to lead a group to go and capture or


Or even the names of upcoming episodes.

Red rocket! Red rocket!

He's a mercenary. Tyrion always told him that if someone else makes him a higher offer, Bronn should tell Tyrion and Tyrion will double it.

Well, you already said spite, so….

Probably because I lump all the "newbies" in the "reading is hard!" camp. Which, now that I've thought about it, I realize isn't fair.

I agree that suddenly bringing up a long festering anger isn't a great idea; that's why I've been disappointed in it not being mentioned at all so far this season - it shouldn't come out of nowhere.

And does anybody even remember the show’s Tysha analogue?

You can’t return an item based purely on spite.

I like the implication that Varys is after the throne and that he was apparently asexual even before he was castrated.

Nuclear wessels.

Just to clarify a small point: Orphan Black isn't made by BBC America, it is made by a Canadian production company, Temple Street Productions, which BBC Worldwide owns a 25% stake in since 2008.  BBC America is the network airing the show in the United States, just as Space is the network airing it in Canada.

For the last few episodes, Cosima has been working at the Dyad headquarters. I think the show had been very ambiguous about the location of their headquarters, if it was near the University of Minnesota, where Cosima had been based, in the Toronto area (or whatever some people want to call it, where Beth, Sarah,

OK, I was just wondering that I had completely spaced out and missed a scene.

How did Cal have time to take Kira to the hideaway and then smash into Sarah with his truck?

I recommend it both as a comedy and as an interesting depiction of the changes affecting everyday life around the time of German reunification.

Was Angie in this episode?