Peameal Bacon

Yeah, I had been thinking that the ginger girl's reaction to, specifically her fear of, Helena marked her out as slightly more reasonable than the rest of her religious cult.

Yes, it's nice that he's not just a mimbo.

Felix convincing Alison to stay in rehab was a nice little moment.

Holy shit, thagomizer is now the actual, official, scientific name for it.

Would a bulk baptism of so many "beings" even take?

You blocked her because she's dating a Hispanic? Not cool…

christian fetuses

It's really ignorant of you to call Jesus a "zombie".

I think the strongest evidence that we have of Varys working for the return of a Targaryen is his meeting with Illyrio Mopatis in season 1, in the tunnels beneath King's Landing.

That's a good point. Possibly Varys was actually willing to poison Daenerys in order to motivate Drogo to invade Westeros and put Viserys on the throne, since Viserys had only been killed the episode before the poisoning attempt happened, so Varys would have thought that Viserys was still alive.

Would you ask Tom Petty that?

G.. g.. g.. focused, non-terminal repeating phantasm or a class 5 full roaming vapor

The funniest and meanest thing I ever read about Harry Knowles was from a comment on AICN 10+ years ago, where someone said that Harry looks like he smells like a mix of mayonnaise and piss.

The Reach is not directly affected by the wars, not like the Riverlands with its widespread destruction of crops and villages, nor even as much as the North, Westerlands, or Crownlands. So the Reach remains an important breadbasket for King's Landing and the Lannister side.

But she has to stay alive to do anything.

I disagree. If you want a soda that tastes like Coke in diet form, then too bad, because no such thing exists. Coke Zero tastes like Coke with the sugar removed and nasty artificial sweetener added.

I must've drank me fifteen Dr. Peppers.

It's not really a coincidence. Last season, Littlefinger straight out told Tywin that he could get the Vale's fresh army on their side because Lysa and he knew each other as children and she'd always had a thing for him.

Littlefinger only turned on Ned when Ned refused to take power for himself and backed Stannis's claim. Only then did Littlegfinger chose Team Joffrey.

Little Lord Robin is Lord of the Vale. Of course, as a child, his mother exercises that power on his behalf, as Regent. So Petyr is now in a stronger position, able to directly influence and manipulate Lysa. However, I don't think she will let Petyr do anything against what she thinks are Robin's best interests.