Peameal Bacon

You know what would really annoy me? If Shae really did escape by ship because Tyrion drove her away for her own protection, and the show just completely forgets about the backstory of Tyrion's first (real) wife, Tysha. And if his "where do whores go?" travels across Essos are in search of Shae.

I don't think just killing Littlefinger would count as "controversial". Killing Sweetrobin or seducing Littlefinger certainly would.

I know you're right. I just like, in addition to thinking about the other many interesting elements of the show, to notice things that explicitly show it is set in Toronto/Ontario/Canada, things that have been made generic but are still very Canadian, and things that have been made American-like.

Speaking of "generic", I just did a freeze-frame of the rural police officer and his car - the words on his police car door say "County Police" and the patch on his arm says "County Regional Police", which is about as generic a name as you can get, while being vaguely Canadian. (Counties with a mix of urban and

The level of sharing between the intelligence agencies of the five countries in "Five Eyes" / Echelon is, allegedly, very, very high. Basically, they share everything as if they were agencies of the same countries.

Well, she is the child of someone who has the exact same genes as Cosima, who was clever when she was, like, 6, and Cal, who is apparently an inventor.

Y'know that little stamp, the one that says "New York Public Library"? Well that may not mean anything to you, but that means a lot to me. One whole hell of a lot.

 I have never noticed‎ Cosima's breasts or their relative size. I am honestly surprised at myself and think I should turn in my heterosexual male card.

Yeah, last season I got very skeptical when the neolutionists and Leekie were introduced as this shadowy, powerful, international conspiracy. I enjoyed all the episodes, but felt like it might be headed in a way that wasn't grounded enough or consistent with what I liked about the show.

One big plus that the 1980s version has over the 1960s version is that the newer version was willing to show two or three stories in an hour-long episode, giving the stories only as much time as they needed.

But are most of those sources of fingerprints stored in a database that is accessible to police agencies without a warrant?


Elaine: Excuse me, excuse me, Fred?

Then I noticed she was sitting on - her sweet - can. So I grab her - sweet can. - Oh, just thinking about - her - can - I just wish I had he - sweet - sweet - s-s-sweet - can.

I think that, without a warrant to go looking for more, then only information that police can look up about someone is their criminal record, arrest record, car registration and driver's licence information, and any handguns you have registered (any other types of guns are not registered). Isn't that, aside from the

It would put you in a database with just your name, address, and information about the specific guns owned. Not your fingerprints, photo, etc. I suppose they could cross-reference that with other records. But registering a gun in Canada isn't going to give the police access to any information about you that they

I am confused by that, too. From this episode, it seems like the Dyad event was definitely local for Sarah. Does that mean that the main research facility with the "old part" and "new part" is in Toronto, too? I'm not clear on that.

I think you're right. It was Kira, not Sarah.

You've just expressed much more succinctly something that I tried to do with a much wordier comment. As you put it, in the show it is Toronto. However, looking at the show from the outside, the producers or show runners or whoever purposefully try to not draw attention to that fact in a way that would make it

On the other hand, Orphan Black is filmed almost entirely in Canada, is considered a "Canadian show", but is a BBC America production.