Not just his "kingdom" of the Iron Islands, but also parts of the North that Theon's sister and other Ironborn captains captured while Robb was away in the south.
Not just his "kingdom" of the Iron Islands, but also parts of the North that Theon's sister and other Ironborn captains captured while Robb was away in the south.
Littlefinger hasn't been seen on the show for a long time,actually. Not since episode 6 of last season, when he left on a ship bound for the Vale of Arryn, on the mission of getting Lysa to marry him and bringing the armies of the Vale, so far not involved in the wars, to the Lannister side. (Littlefinger was…
Their conversation was about Jon's investigation. It shows they would have had motive to kill him, but they didn't actually say or even imply that either of them did it.
"Cercei used it to kill Jon Arryn back in season 1"
Although Joffrey surely had no part in planning the Red Wedding. And I can't imagine that Tywin would have risked telling him about it ahead of time.
With the music from Benny Hill.
All the best films are already affiliated with Satan.
What's the difference between a virtuous cow and a wicked cow?
Yes, it seems to have happened on both sides during the Battle of Normandy.
The same readers who avoided spoiling things like the Red Wedding for non-readers for literally years?
I've heard there are also some people who live outside of the country.
I had assumed that the modern girl's name Paris was derived from Paris, the mythological Trojan prince.
Not just pretentious, but the kind of silly over-dramatic name that you'd expect an un-self-aware and dull teenager to give.
Now I don't believe in nothing no more! I'm going to law school.
the ultimate study of an anti-hero to end anti-heroes in Walter White
Yes, but D-Day wasn't the US's entry into the European theatre. Germany and the US had officially been at war for two-and-a-half years by then, and US forces were involved in the Allied campaigns in Italy before D-Day. D-Day was a big deal to Germany, of course, because it represented a major opening up and…
I remembered the names of Malarkey and Guarnere in the first episode, too, but that's only because Sobel made a point of telling Malarkey that his name means "bullshit", and Guarnere having the nickname "Gonorrhea".
There are lots of very good non-fiction TV documentaries that focus on or, at least, don't exclude the role of Canada in the First and Second World Wars. (I'm not implying that Band of Brothers should have done that, because it is very much about focusing on one unit.)
keep an eye out for Tom Hardy and Jimmy Fallon in later eps
Well, this was the "fan choice" category, so I guess the only people who would bother to vote in great numbers, "tweens", haven't heard of Rush.