Garge pls.
Garge pls.
Rhythmic Ceremonial Ritual
Song titles from the musical?
I am the very model of a modern Libyan terrorist;
I bought a shoddy pinball bomb from a white-haired scientist.
What the hell rhymes with "flux capacitator"?!
It gives the food radiation!!!
they think shouting Wookie bowcaster in a Chinese restaurant is funny
Stupid dead kids, always ruining the fun for everyone else.
When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead….
"Shredder, you jive-ass turkey!"
Well, she was fucking Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and probably Moon Boy for all I know.
…I hope it's not a spoiler.
He has an album coming out soon? Huh, it is surprising that he's not doing something to drum up a lot of free publicity…
Young Frankenstein.
That joke (White people all look the same to Asians) seems to have been a common sitcom joke in the 60s and 70s. I guess it was a slightly less racist and slightly cleverer update of the older joke that all Asian people look alike.
I think this season could have benefited from being about 6 episodes in total, including the existing 3 episodes plus three more typical episodes where Sherlock and Watson get more normal cases from clients and/or being called in by the metropolitan police to consult on a challenging or unusual case instead of dealing…
Snow White isn't the fairest of them all.
Why a high-school teacher knows so much about Polynesian natives remains a question for the ages, however.
That's funny because the US Constitution would never actually codify any people being chattel and property.
I agree. The Golden Age / Silver Age distinction for the Simpsons is a new one for me. I just consider it "Classic" and "Not Classic". To me, seasons 7 and 8 are "classic".