
My parents moved to the Atlanta area (Stone Mountain, in DeKalb) right after I graduated high school in 1987, right when a lot of that stuff was going on. I got to meet a whole bunch of people who wished MARTA wasn’t around because it let “those people” into the suburbs, and, as a kid from Iowa, it was an education

You... don’t live around here, do you. Not to mention you’re a presumptuous dick. For one, I drive a Honda Civic (and even if I could afford a BMW, I’m not a douche nor do I like to set my money on fire), and while yes I am a white professional, most of my neighbors are Hispanic or Asian - as is a good swath of

So since one business (in this case, the Braves) makes out like bandits we should ignore all negative externalities that are generated by these decisions? We should ignore the fact that the county got fleeced for $400 million in a secretive, possibly illegal process that was so hated that the public officials

I was okay with the racist mascot, their flight to Cobb County, and their fleecing of taxpayers, but this assault on urban planners’ sensibilities is the final straw.

Bullshit. I bet most of the people who know who Fredette (an actual professional athlete) is don’t know that he’s mormon but the ONLY thing most people know about Tebow is how fucking annoyingly Jesus-y he is.

Not fair. His religious beliefs prevent him from to getting to third. Much less home.

He should perform his third miracle and actually hit a little.

I do think it’s important to call out Tebow’s presence in the Mets’ organization as the marketing ploy that it is. The easiest and most direct way to do that is to continually remind people that Tebow is in fact a dreadful baseball player.

Supposed to be a pillar. Tebow can’t even do magic well.