You've peaked my young interest

Really? I actually really like her character. She’s the one person on the show that represents smart people who are not stereotypical “nerds” but still have social issues. I thought she was hilarious.

I honestly wouldn’t mind a tormented Luke. Someone whose a bit snapped and know’s he is trying to do the right thing. Someone who knows he’s being pulled off the benches to go do the right thing but is scared of the power he wields. As we all know, Mark Hamill can play crazy at least as a voice actor.

you got a source on that? Would love to read it!

What do you not like about it? Legitimately not trying to troll here. Just having a discussion with co-workers after we saw this and I was just saying how much I love my s6.

I’m not above that...carry on trooper.

Great write up. I still can’t find a reason to pay for in flight wifi. I travel ALOT and typically work 12 hour days when its said and done for work, so the more offline I am THE BETTER! I just load up my tablet with movies and comics and make sure you take my AKG k3003s and I’m good to go!

You’re good people. Forget that trick. You got bigger fish to fry than that bitch.

A jamiroquai reference on a Monday morning...this is going to be a great week!

Kind of okay with this....( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)...for reasons

Hotrine Bring?

Born in 90... what is this you speak of?