You've peaked my young interest

Holy shit that was overboard lol.... Probably the most info I’ll ever need. You must have THEEEE freshest asshole in the world.

Holy shit that was overboard lol.... Probably the most info I’ll ever need. You must have THEEEE freshest asshole in

It goes bidet then paper

It goes bidet then paper

HAHA! That is great. Serves TGT for making something so STUPID. They deserve to be made fun of for that pathetic skit week after week.

I worked for Harman on Uconnect. They use multiple suppliers in case one drops the ball...Actually bailed on Harman for majority of it....went to Panasonic...PASA BOMBED HARD.In the meantime Harman bombed hard from GM and actually got banned from applying for any future contracts for 3 years.

Only recently did someone release a lift kit for the new cherokee’s. Its a 1" lift that one company figured out. Not really available to the masses yet like other jeep lift options

Damn man that looks good. I’m half way tempted to trade in my cherokee latitude for this haha

How well does it do on sand?

I’d love to know how does it compare to the Cherokee Trailhawk? Can it be lifted it or is it restricted like the Cherokee?

I returned mine because my click wheel in the middle became free spinning. Even when switching options for the different modes. It was just done, after 2 weeks.

I returned mine because my click wheel in the middle became free spinning. Even when switching options for the

For love of God give them a break!!! Seriously, my favorite series of all time and I absolutely hate the movies.... Please get rid of Singer, and just give it a breather for awhile!

I think the deadpool/wolverine movie would be a great point to introduce a new wolverine. In one scene they need hugh jackman just in the background fat and eating ice cream or something. Makes it a deadpool meta joke that would be great!

I have the MPOW Antelopes. They have been fantastic!

I have the MPOW Antelopes. They have been fantastic!

This wouldn’t happen if Apple used the universal standard USB cables instead of proprietary shit trying to force an increase in revenue.

Seems like the AUPOWERQ code is not working

Seems like the AUPOWERQ code is not working


US Agent?

Samsungs basic internet browser supports an ad-block add on. It is still not as good as chrome, but this cuts down on ALOT of unnecessary data.

So Lily said wasp won’t appear in infinity war. I doubt they are going to leave ant-man out.


1st Gear: LOL Yeah It Was