
It really seems like it is time for you to move on from reviewing SNL. It isn’t that you are necessarily incorrect in your reviews (generally speaking, I agree with about 2/3 of whatever you have to say any given week) but rather you have nothing left to really say about SNL.

the Stranger Things-in-the-Ozarks of the trailer already feels WAY less like a Ghostbusters vibe than the 2016 one did

It is simply shocking to me that someone with her writing talent, musical chops, and gorgeous looks doesn’t have every single job offer on the planet.

Demons of the Punjab will go down as one of the best episodes in the show’s history.

I liked it a lot, although full disclosure, I still think Demons of the Punjab, It Takes You Away and Resolution are just great Doctor Who. this was easily Chibs’ best script so far, though - really energetic, well-paced, genuinely unsettling in a few parts, and nothing outstandingly dumb

It’s an issue for you, I don’t agree with your premise at all. I think this character has resonated with a lot of star wars fans for a lot of different reasons. This has been a refreshing look at the star wars world and how one man operates in it. Not everything has to be driven by plot or your idea of character

Not even worst of the Craig Bond movies. That’s Quantum of Solace thanks.

Remember when Rub & Tug was a movie which could actually get financed and made when there was a star actress associated with it?

I had never heard of Rachel Bloom before Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Then the night it premiered, I saw the title on Hulu and thought “that’s gotta be terrible!” I happened to be on the AV Club at the same time and noticed they had a review. After less than a paragraph I decided to give it a chance. By the end of the cold

I don’t think William’s seen any of the AoS Ghost Rider episodes...

You know, it might be the fact that Brexiters are all jackasses, imbeciles and xenophobes, but I’m starting to Brexit might not be a good idea.

And the Skeleton Twins ... ?

It all seemed pretty straightforward to me, except for the part about Cap. Still not sure what happened there.

Pain & Gain is actually one of Johnson’s more artsy, daring movies. But the contention is that he should make more films with directors like Michael Bay, and fewer with directors who feel like they should be shooting the behind-the-scenes documentary for a Michael Bay movie.

It’s a wormhole!
It’s a Möbius strip!
It’s snake eats tail!
It’s the infinity sign!

Now playing

I know. Somehow I don’t see him making this into a hip hop classic any time soon:

Set photos have been streaming out for weeks now. Other genre sites have covered this. It’s not some miraculous surprise just because y’all missed the news and failed to report it. Interesting approach to this article, sarcasm and feigning shock when you could have just linked to those who were on top of their jobs

I thought the rest of the cast refused to work with James Van Der Beek again, which June & Chloe tried to hide from him

I’m seein’ double here - four Michael Myerses!

At its best, it doesn’t stretch believability too much