Circular reasoning is Circular.
Circular reasoning is Circular.
So no citations then. Thanks that is what I expected. You are all claims no evidence. Just like all religious zealots.
"the person who breaks in to the other peoples' place is the troll" No it isn't,…
Also by your own definition, I'm not one, I didn't break in here, it is a public place.
"Considering that there are hundreds and hundreds of comments making the exact same "no true Scotsman" fallacy" It is the Feminists who are claiming that those who are arguing that ROK are not MRAs, who are claiming "no true Scotsman".
You are a Troll aren't you? Having read my arguments and evidence, you have decide to ignore them and go back to "step one" by repeating the argument I have already demonstrated, is factually incorrect.
You're a Troll aren't you? Having read my arguments and evidence, you have decide to ignore them and go back to "step one" by repeating the argument I have already demonstrated, is factually incorrect.
"MRAs oppose equal pay for the same job for women"
" by claiming that all rape victims are making "false" accusations"
"MRA subgroup GamerGate"
"the whole point of the MRA hate group is to oppose equal rights for women."
Citation please.
I am familiar with the works of Monty Python.
No idea what you are trying to argue in that. But as usual, no reasoned arguments at all.
So don't seem to know much about Feminism, you also don't seem to know much about the world in general.
Just what Equal Right for women has the MRM opposed? Name one?
I never though you did. I just though you had asked a question, and though I would give you an answer from…let's say a less biased source.
Nice to see you have no answer to my proving you wrong about your "No True Scotsman" fallacy, you have to fall back on "they're MRAs 'cause I say so". If I was stupid enough to say that Feminists are Nazis, does that make it true? No. But somehow because you say ROK are MRA's that makes it true. Weak, try linking…
"you are a lying coward and a hypocrite." Point to where I have lied. Point to my Hypocrisy. Point to my misogyny. As to the charge of being a coward…Meh, I don't give a shit about you calling me a coward.
You keep making claims about my motivation. It is almost as if you have no reasoned arguments at all. I think that other people will see through your pathetic attempts to smear me and ignore my arguments, or at least the reasonable people will, the unreasonable people will continue to think that saying someone has bad…
Well then you have gone completely mad then, because women are not things, they are people and the equal of men. And I have never, and will never claim otherwise, you must be confusing me for someone from ROK…but then you have mixed up MRAs with ROK so I can see how you might do that. :)
Agreed, most of the people throwing that word around can't substantiate their arguments. Look at Michael Lindsay, he can't even get the "No True Scotsman" fallacy right. :)
I don't claim to be an MRA, but the people I know who do claim to be MRAs, think it is the best in the Star Wars series since The Empire Strikes Back. They like the characters, the story is solid, and there is no Jar Jar Binks.
BTW I've seen it twice, and if my niece was older I would taker her too.
You have a good day.
Wow. So instead of refuting what I have tried to deduce from your rambing, or even clarifying your own position to me, deflection. Whos' really trolling here, me who is trying to have a reasoned argument, or you who has deflected, ignored facts, and not even stated a reasoned arguement, just rambled? It think its you…