
You know, I’m going to go ahead and come back to this, and challenge you to find anything I’ve said that’s even close to “full-throated support for everything Israel does.” And then I’m going to tell you to fuck off with your logical fallacies yet again, and I’ll dismiss the next nonsense comment you come back with

Ha, fuck off, creepshow.

Boring. Get new rhetoric, this shit is stale and tired.

I’m entirely and fully aware they’re not the same thing,and I haven’t said they are even once. I’m pointing out the one being used to veil the other. Now what, champ? Any other talking points from the pamphlets you want to go through?

Ha, this is hilarious. Bye, moron.

Fuck off with your logical fallacies, asshole.

All women have to deal all the time. There are things other women deal with that you don’t, and vice versa. 

Because the third wave is actually a backlash.

Which is perfectly in tune with what Jezebel has become.

Lol it’s a shit piece, you moron.

Bullshit you weren’t.

Nice misogyny. Making it woke really gives it a refreshing twist.

You’re a creep.

You’ve got to be fucking kidding. Why not give up the ghost and just become a men’s site?

Right, because this isn’t a standard antisemitic response. You can’t even try not to be an obvious antisemitic shitstain, can you?

Bigoted, antisemitic creep. Go drink Drano.

Nah, son. Next time, try not dismissing smart, progressive people who disagree with you as mindless acolytes to the almighty Israel if you don’t want people to peg your comment as antisemitic. If you leave no room for nuanced opinion in a situation as supremely complex and complicated as this, you don’t get to claim

He sure did, and I’m sure not but I sure do notice all the people using that as a shield when their displayed antisemitic rhetoric is identified. You know who took issue with Davis being selected for this award? Americans. You know what their issue was? Her support of an American movement. And yet here you are, making

You’re the one talking about “right kind of Jews,” not me. You’re also attributing views to me I’ve never stated. I’ve never defended Israel once, and have many, MANY criticisms of its current government. I just know antisemitism using the cover of Israel criticism to seem woke when I see it.

Or perhaps you don’t bother to have a clear view of things in your rush to slam Jewish people and Israel with a socially plausible cover.