
Right, because it’s not like women of color are oppressed on the basis of their sex or anything. It’s not like female infants are murdered or aborted around the world because girls are considered so worthless. Girls don’t die in menstrual huts or anything like that. Rape isn’t epidemic. Multiple international health

Par for the course for Jezebel these days, though.

They don’t care, unfortunately. They literally do not give a shit about women’s safety, comfort or dignity. Contemporary feminism has abandoned women, unless they’re “sex workers” or male, apparently. No one who shows such open disdain and contempt for women’s bodies has any right to claim to be a decent person, or a

Lol it’s absolutely hysterical watching y’all paint yourselves as enlightened, inclusive feminists while simultaneously shitting on middle-aged, middle-class women.

You’re not a “real woman” because you’re male. That’s all. This is not a value judgment. Where you become an asshole is your self-righteous assumption of entitlement and contempt for women who resist your wholesale encroachment without discussion or acknowledgement of their concerns.

Y’all are fucking pathetic.

And can you provide a check list for how to tell the difference between transwomen and cis men who enter our spaced unencumbered, who we previously had the right and ability to identify and remove? Be sure to cover all those grey areas and give solid criteria for what makes someone a “real” transwoman.

Unless you’re 10 years old, you have not “always identified” as a cis woman.

The point of fighting against self-ID and blanket inclusion in female spaces is that loosening standards mean those very crossdressers can access them. Don’t be disingenuous, it’s unflattering.

The bigots are the people who don’t give a shit about women, bro.

You’re fucking pathetic. Stop pretending to be a feminist when you don’t actually care about women’s welfare or rights.

Actually YOU need to look up the history of Stonewall, apparently. Hint, in Marsha’s own words, she showed up hours after it started and Silvia wasn’t there at all. 

Yeah, who cares if these girls lose scholarship opportunities and it changes the course of their futures? Boys feel bad!

It’s worth noting that Renee Richards now says she never should have competed in women’s tennis. Also note that she was competitive despite being decades older than most of her competition.

Going on estrogen does not change skeletal configuration, lung capacity, muscle fiber composition, or centuries of exclusive access to elite sports whereas women in the US have only had the benefit of Title IX to equal opportunity since the 70s and it wasn’t even enforced until the 90s. The last Olympic sport to be

With full sexual reassignment surgery. Stop being a disingenuous liar.

Grow up.

Nah, the categories are just fine. Trans people are welcome to compete in the category of their biological sex, provided they’re not using enhancing drugs.

Perhaps the ACLU can remember their remit and step in to defend the girls in this case then, instead of leaving them with only reactionary rightwing bigots to stand up for them.

Ooh, an opinion piece, stunning rebuttal!