Kristen @ PBUrbanistas

Uncle Weeb is the GOAT.

Word?? I haven't met ANY besides my homies who come through from Chiang Mai. Yep it is. You on Fbook, how should I get in touch?

Get out! We should get in touch

A few pics from last year with my Thailand fam. Looking at these makes me miss it so much.

Where in SEA? I'm KL-based!

Literally will walk right up to you and start snapping selfies with you! Whole family taking turns!

There are healthily sized ones growing in Chiang Mai, Thailand and in Bali 🙂

Chiang Mai, Thailand. There is a growing community of Black travelers/teachers/temporary expats and when we get together, 10, 15, 20 deep, you would never know we're out in Northern Thailand. It's a real family like bond with connections all over Southeast Asia… I must say it's rewarded me with some of the best

Great read! I just moved to Malaysia for a job opp & had lived in Thailand for around 8 months in '15-'16, and although life and culture is drastically different between Europe and Asia, I feel pretty much all of your sentiments about living abroad. This sense of freedom and the novelty in every day is unmatched. Most

never too late

Definitely have to read this now. Thanks for putting me on!

You're* vs your. This is the one I really can't stand.

Wale never gets the credit, though

Personal opinion, true true. I get that we're dealing with this isolated series of events. Still, I think we have to account for the fact that damage had been done. I can't agree that Issa is more at fault, when clear significant mistakes (with somewhat reasonable justifications IMO) have been made on both sides.

This! Essentially I agree with everything you're saying. I'm just tired of seeing so many give Lawrence the pass they're not willing to give Issa — holding Issa more at fault and claiming Lawrence's POV is more forgivable. They are equally at fault.

Having done the same (took a big chance, trying to make the dream work, struggling to execute, still figuring it all out) I can completely understand. But what I can't fathom is deferring responsibilities, having my S/O involuntarily taking care of me, and contributing very little to a relationship for such an

If Lawrence's inability to man up… again…for f o u r years .. can be justified, then yes.

Right, the author points that out, along with the reasons why it wasn't so easy for her to just walk away. Issa's flawed — she's a trash communicator and scared of being by herself. Is that not just as, if not more, understandable than a grown man throwing a 4 year long pity party for himself?