I agree it’s pretty much the least one can do. But I think it still matters. If we can’t even do this little bit, then we’re truly screwed and are giving tacit approval to racism. Oh, that’s just their sacred heritage? That’s not a small thing.
I agree it’s pretty much the least one can do. But I think it still matters. If we can’t even do this little bit, then we’re truly screwed and are giving tacit approval to racism. Oh, that’s just their sacred heritage? That’s not a small thing.
From Tennessee and still live here and I have to admit I have a little sentimental attachment to our flag. I grew up with my father telling me about how there used to be signs on the highway saying “Welcome to the 3 Great States of Tennessee: East, Middle, and West”
If only logic mattered....
No, lots of southerners would agree with you. I would be heartbroken if I had to move there. I miss trees and greenness after about 2 days in a big city. No, your one park doesn’t make up for it. It’s not good or bad, it’s what your used to/like.
A court apparently has enough evidence for this to go to trial and yet Gawker’s headline and most commenters are declaring her guilty of having made this up. This is really sad.
I am guessing it is California law, not federal, because Amazon was in trouble for doing this, but I think they have been allowed to continue.
Do you think that J. Crew has better labor practices than Forever 21? I doubt it.
Everyone should read Kipnis’ article before commenting. I was sympathetic before I read it. Her tone is mocking (and she even admits it). She gives a long paragraph of detail about the alleged sexual assault, again in a mocking tone. She completely dismisses the idea that there might be coercion involved in a…
I looked at the pictures and I think it’s boring. I would much rather see something wilder and less kempt (not a word, I know: more unkempt). I would rather live on the edge of woods than have all those stiff gardens.
A teenage friend of my daughter nearly died from a Tylenol overdose. I don’t know the details, but it was bad. It is shocking that most people don’t know how dangerous Tylenol is.
“I don’t think you understand how to logic, good sir.” Brilliant.
My father loved music. Early on it was Merle Haggard, Willie and Waylon. Also Neil Diamond. Those bring back memories. He went through an Alan Parsons Project phase (yuck) and Jackson Browne. I told a friend I used to love Jackson Browne and he said, “Were you depressed?” Much later, he was into Leonard Cohen and, in…
No matter what the boys did, unless they were threatening to kill the people in the house, they shouldn’t have been shot. We have police, courts, and the rule of law to handle crime. They didn’t deserve to be killed without a full investigation of what happened. It seems like the discussion about racism, which is…
I read all the links and checked out the info they contained. I find them very unconvincing. The Forbes article is clearly biased since they reference Bruce Ames. Dr. Winter (UC Davis) doesn’t have a list of publications or any indication of who is funding him on his website. There’s a lot of stuff about how he is the…
Sigh. Another health concern where the science is going to be disputed. The reason it will be disputed is because of money. Let’s check your sources. The Skin Cancer Foundation has this long list of corporate sponsors: http://www.skincancer.org/about-us/corpo…
I know that there is something going on that allows commercial property owners to charge too-high rents. This has had the effect, in my neighborhood, of driving out an awesome used bookstore, a great antique store, and more. They were replaced by a payday loan place or remained empty. I don’t know what zoning, tax,…
I lived in New Jersey from 85-91 and went into NYC frequently. We were students and we frequented Greenwich Village, some bars that I don’t remember the name of, cheap Indian restaurants, and enjoyed weird shops (a basket shop) and junk being sold on the street. Sad to think that that vibe is leaving or gone.
There was an awesome knitting store that produced a book (somewhere in California). They went out of business because of rising rents. When the 2008 crash hit, a lot of storefronts went empty in my mid-sized southern city and I heard stories before and after of ridiculous rents. If the owners can keep the rent high…
An $11,000 giraffe store was priced out of the real estate market in NYC. That’s a pretty sad sign of how things are going.
It’s very convenient for the companies that programmers tend to be libertarian. I believe a proper role for government is to enact and enforce labor laws that balance the right to earn money with the right of workers to have decent conditions. There ought to be overtime pay. People who are categorically opposed to…