
I don’t really believe in “good” and “bad” Muslims or anything; that’s why I put it in quotiation marks. I wasn’t suggesting that we put more pressure on Muslims to speak out against terrorism. I was wondering why we don’t see calls for white men to speak out against rape and other sins usually committed by white men.

Why don’t the “good” white men speak up about the “bad” ones? We’ve played that game with Muslims. It’s only fair that white people get it now.

We were at Christmas about 7 years ago and they were drinking and someone said, “Remember that time your brother almost called DCS on your mom? Wasn’t that funny!” And I said, “I don’t remember that.” And my brother said, “It was because she wouldn’t buy us food.” Step-father: “Why should she, you wouldn’t clean your

Totally agree about other people making you feel like you are the bad one because who would disconnect from their mother? Some people trivialize it by saying “All families are crazy” or “There are no normal families”. Listen. There are pretty healthy families out there. And incredibly damaging ones. It’s a spectrum.

I was left in the car a lot when I was about 5th grade or so. I don’t remember before that. I could have gone into the grocery store, but I didn’t want to. I whiled away the time by inventing a way to play solitaire with a piece of paper and a pencil. Future math nerd!

I love love love guacamole. One time I was eating (drinking) at a ChiChis in New Jersey (many many years ago) and they told me they didn’t have any guacamole. I must have looked pretty sad because the waitress came back a few minutes later, saying she “found” some. Do I want guacamole that someone “found” somewhere in

What about at the end where he says, sarcastically, something like “you’ll get to invade Iran and Pakistan...” and she says, “No, we won’t”. That one moment made me think that she was literally pro-invasion and 100% knew what she was doing when she did it. They’re pushing for war and the only thing she regrets is that

I don’t believe she’s stupid. She defended herself with great skill (and dishonesty, but still skill). I had a friend who worked for the government and he always said “Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity.” I don’t buy it one more freaking second. The whole post-9/11 wars and more wars:

I think Jon Stewart is hardest on journalists. Everyone knows that politicians are pushing an agenda; that’s what they do. Journalists are supposed to be reporting the truth. If something is contested, they should say that. When journalists become mouthpieces of the powerful, which has happened to a terrifying extent,

Interesting and funny but what’s the deal with that camera work? They never looked him in the face. And with him sitting (and the way he was speaking) the energy was really low. It was odd.

I reminded my daughter of the croc story and she said “that was the last time I cared about having a brand name”. Good for her!

I didn’t even know who she was until I happened upon this 73 questions video (by Vogue). The setup is kind of assholish and Lively handles it with aplomb. The first time I watched it I thought she was charming and with-it. Link

That was the sweetest romance I have ever seen. I love that version of Anne of Green Gables. My aunt is Canadian and every gifting holiday we received Canadian-themed gifts. The video of Anne of Green Gables was probably my favorite and I still have it.

Value falling does mean demand falling when the demand is based solely on exclusivity.

Southern rich women.

Originally $30 now up to $90. People should boycott these folks because they are vultures.

When my daughter was in 2nd grade, Crocs were new and in style for kids and her father bought her some knock-offs. When she walked into homeroom wearing the knock-offs - remember 2nd grade - a “friend” dramatically walked around to the back to check out the brand name. Then she loudly told everybody that they were not

People giving sexist answers on questionnaires is not what’s hurting women. Here’s a better idea, but maybe difficult to do, look at the Twitter history for video game users. Track that for 2 years and find out what video games the person played *and* which video game or other communities (if any) they interact with

A lot of the clothes in Anthropologie have intricate needlework or other details that you couldn’t replicate yourself. I think their prices are high, but for a decent reason. J. Crew, on the other hand, has no excuse.

We are approaching plutocracy/oligopoly status: the corporations are not trolling us. Or it’s like NYC, all million dollar apartments and no place for poor (or even middle class) artists anymore.