I was waiting for a flying monkey reference!
I was waiting for a flying monkey reference!
Bob hasn't won money, has he? Thousands of dollars worth of make-up and bling, i think.
True story.
And don't forget Mama Latrice!
A flipper is a false teeth front used by drag queens.
I don't get the love for Robbie, nor did I get any sense of her as having talent or charisma. No uniqueness, either. She was relentlessly deluded and negative and Queen of Excuses. By now you'd think the contestants would know how much the judges HATE a queen who has to pipe up after every critique with a little…
I immediately knew that was destined to become a meme.
That is hilarious. I have a lot of actor friends who throw me off police procedural TV shows like "SVU" because they're constantly showing up as the crying mom of the sociopathic frat boy, or whatever.
"The Happening."'
Why teach them to disrespect women who weren't interested in them? Maybe God has something better for THEM, too.
Yes, she said flood her basement, not plug.
Hated the character from the first. HATED how he treated his girlfriend, hated his sniveling, hated his pathetic sense of self. Go AWAY.
Yea. I like the show, too (although it's really just residual admiration from season one at this point) but that last remark was clueless.
The fact that neither of them are shown making any attempt to learn one word of each other's language suggests to me that the Louia/Amia storyline is a lot more cynical than some viewers want to think. She is his projection. He obviously doesn't want to know anything about her, despite his hyperbolic protestations in…
Wonder no more. Many rape survivors report that while forced intercourse is horrible and traumatic, being forced to kiss your attacker or abuser is particularly soul destroying.
Please don't date.
A wonderful character. His irritated expression and delivery were priceless.
I wondered the same thing.
Yes, I think that's why I keep watching: because he's showing how the romantically desperate guy is so narcissistically obsessed with his own woman issues (to the point of bothering a doctor who doesn't even know what his name is to talk about it), he can't see that he's a perpetrator. It's really awful to watch but…