
I don't think it was a joke. I think she's not terribly bright. She was being dead earnest when she announced that she would be the first queen to "literally" chasse away. I was like, "um, no one has ever asked any queen to chasse away, honey. You got the word wrong."

She's deeply committed to high drama. After seeing her total inability to cope with criticism, and her genuine bewilderment about how the other girls saw her, I began to think that this kid needs some help. I think Ru eliminated her just in time.

Yes. I have been feeling awful for LaGanja's parents as she cooks up this "no one supported me so I was out on the streets" garbage and extra loved Bianca for doing the math and calling her on it. Maybe her parents weren't happy about her doing drag but you donut throw loving parents under the bus to create a victim

Yes. He's a terrible actor. TERRIBLE. His scenes are painful in contrast to the amazing work being done by the women in the prison.