
More than the apartments, I’m more annoyed by the “quirky female character who eats a lot of greasy, fatty food but maintains perfect skin and stays slim” trope. She’s not shallow like those salad eating bitches, she just LOOKS like them.

Don't care. Still excited as all get out. If it's even half as egregious as Reign, I'll consider it a historic success. -Signed, a historian

I am so proud to know a woman who asked a guy in DC to move his briefcase off the seat so she could sit her 8+ month preggo self down. He pretended he did not hear her, so at the next stop, she grabbed said briefcase and threw it out the door. She felt kind of guilty later, per her text to me. I still believe it was

It barely even matters at this point. I don’t like Hillary, she’s not the candidate I’d have chosen and I think she’ll be a mediocre president but the fact that she isn’t polling at 80-90% has already deeply shaken my faith in this country. Obviously the ramifications of a Trump victory are still so scary that I want


My fourteen-year-old self totally had a very PG-13 sexual fantasy about this exact situation! Obviously, if I got stuck on a cable car with my crush overnight, we would have to snuggle up inside a single coat to stay warm and then we would make out a lot. I hope that someone is at least getting a steamy make out

Sorry designers. The best Hillary supporter T Shirt has already been made and I own it.

Yea, they are too pricey for me, but they are designed for this by some fairly big names in fashion, are union-printed and Made in the USA. That is part of why they are expensive.

“Hey, can I borrow the car? Before you answer, remember that time I risked my life to save our livelihood and my grandfather from ax wielding robbers? Kthxbye!”

Can’t really blame companies for not wanting to get into the daycare business. It’s not only expensive but there is opening up to liability. And they are devoting all these resources to something that isn’t their main function.

antibacterial soap is bad for you since it leads to superbacteria. what’s with your smugness?

I love, love, love these two women!!! (Happy Endings should never have been cancelled!!)

If you love her, I highly recommend Burning Love which was my first introduction to her. She’s a major character in all 3 seasons and the show is hysterical.

yeah, it’s internalized for sure. even though i wouldn’t categorize myself as bulimic, there were definitely times in college that i regretted what i ate, and i knew purging was an option, so i did it. it seemed so casual at the time. and i wasn’t alone in this. almost every member of our volleyball team did this at

I don’t ask for much.

I would love to know how Tim Kaine and Mike Pence are preparing. I hope Biden is teaching Kaine the right way to say malarkey and the best way to laugh dismissively whenever Pence opens his mouth.

My wife used the thermometer trick. It went out 3 decimals or something. It worked. We were pregnant within 3 months of tracking.

For the metrically challenged among us, she was lifting over 350 lbs. I sometimes struggle to carry all my groceries upstairs in one trip.

Thanks for asking Kerry. I’m reading The Pillars of The Earth. It’s been on my bookshelf for years and never touched it and I regret every year I didn’t. So good.