Touch Connors

Or, you know, a recognition that when someone turns the shield of protections given to them by law into a weapon, those laws no longer apply. It’s called nuance...

Did you ever see the “test” that they gave out at the theaters to determine if you qualified to join the “Police Academy”? 11yo me thought it was hilarious but I’ve since lost it. May not be as funny almost 4 decades later.

Based on the article, is sounds like the pedestrian was being an asshole. Pedestrians have rights and the right of way, but when they do things like stand in front of your car and refuse to move, fuck’em. Hope you enjoy the ride*.

Sleeping in his truck in a parking lot with a gun at the ready. And after the shooting his first thought is to drag the guy behind the truck to a field and leave him to die? That certainly reads like he was living out of his truck.

LS swaps have been overdone, but this + an LS in the bed would be so cool.

The republicans are trying to stifle free speech related to protests, etc; but it’s the democrats who are trying to stifle free speech online. So while the R’s actions certainly look related to race, they overall assault on free speech by both sides is not.

His/her/their parents didn’t seem to, why would Elon?

I once got to driver a replica of K.I.T.T. that had the yoke. Talk about reality hitting you hard; it really, really sucked. And at the time I had about 10 hours solo so it’s not like controlling a vehicle with a yoke was a foreign concept.

I legit LOL’d at this. Well, played!

+1 (but only because that 35+ year old comedy reference is still funny).

Correct, but the “bad apple” incidents that are videoed don’t happen in a vacuum. In the vast majority of situations, there are plenty of cops who weren’t actively beating/choking/shooting a suspect that will sign off on reports they know to be false.

and the result is a clean, functional-looking pickup truck with very traditional proportions that can only offend someone if they’re running on 30 minutes of sleep and just accidentally stepped into a shallow pan of urine, barefoot.

This isn’t a Republican/Red State problem, it’s a problem with US politicians, and the majority of US citizens (both D & R). Tax money that should be spent on maintenance is instead prioritized elsewhere or prioritized to not be collected/spent at all. The can then gets kicked down the road until the problems can no

Bad boys, bad boys

They try stealing his car. He hangs on just inside the door. They immediately swerve to the left and the door hits a bollard, likely doing serious damage to him. But then 1 block away, they lose control and he gets thrown when the car rolls on its side.

They try stealing his car. He hangs on just inside the door. They immediately swerve to the left and the door hits a bollard, likely doing serious damage to him. But then 1 block away, they lose control and he gets thrown when the car rolls on its side. TMZ has the full video

Did you not see the video of those two girls that robbed and killed the Uber Eats driver? The guy is dead, lying unceremoniously face down on the pavement approx 4-5ft away, while the one girl complains that “her cell phone is still in the car.”

In my Family Law class, the prof spent an entire class discussing this one study that showed (approx.) 13-17% of married men whose wives were giving birth knew that the child was not theirs.