Which model can get me to and from Whole Foods the best? I want everyone in the parking lot to think I am outgoing and adventurous.
Which model can get me to and from Whole Foods the best? I want everyone in the parking lot to think I am outgoing and adventurous.
Well, damn. Ford finally makes a vehicle I actually want, and I pretty much loathe SUVs.
I also like to emphasize the fact that she was a fully-formed adult of 35 when she married him, not a naive young model just out of her teens. That woman knew exactly who he was and chose to marry him anyways.
She’s a woman who was happy to marry someone evil for money. That’s all I need to know about her.
In regards to how challenging they were WARNED it would be, they said in a video that God would give them the strength or whatever. For all my Christians out there: IF YOU HAVE TO ASK GOD OR ANY OTHER MYSTICAL CREATURE FOR THE STRENGTH TO DO SOMETHING YOU ARE NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO DO IT.
What sucks about this moment is that this *could* have been an opportunity to talk about the real issue of people with adoption regret, or adoption... idk fatigue, in which they are faced with raising a special needs child in addition to the stresses of adoption, let alone transracial adoption. But it can’t be, ‘cause…
I know this is a petty complaint and there are 100 worse things that these awful people did, but also- fuck them for naming this poor kid Huxley.
JC Penney never figured out what it wanted to be. Who is your consumer? What value are you offering consumers? While shopping for Christmas gift, I took a gander at their clothing. Not only was it hideous and poorly made, it wasn’t cheap (not saying it was expensive, but for what they were offering, the prices were…
Hot priests were known as Father What-a-Waste to the girls of my youth.
I will never ever forget when Tara Reid said that Paris Hilton was a really good friend because she helped Tara get over her “fear of parasailing.”
I LOVE Derry Girls! Sister Michael is a gift every episode.
Also I just want to add, I love Marie Kondo. It is also pretty unbelievable she did an Asian accent in her interview - that, I can say, is really crass. BUT I still understand her cynicism towards some branding across the board. She handled it the wrong way. And she is an entitled millennial.
Every time something like this happens, I wind up thinking that coming for Chrissy Teigen is the internet equivalent of invading Russia in the middle of winter. And then somebody else is foolish enough to do it again...
The basic black cotton cardigan was the only thing I really looked to J. Crew for. With the perpetual sales, I found that price matched quality well enough. I don’t think this type of attitude was just me, and it’s hard to maintain a brand on that level of loyalty alone.
First, solve the problem of having to refresh the page to get the comments to show up.
Let’s put it this way: they aren’t black and they make their money looking black-ish without actually having to deal with the stigma, racism and disadvantages that actual black people generally deal with.
Whenever I went to a store that had a stuffed animal display, I would silently say “food, food, food, water, water, water” so I knew they were all taken care of. I was a silent stuffed zoo keeper.
I’m going to point out that pretty much every pregnant woman in my social circle set out with the same “natural” plan, but shit gets real, like instantly, when that baby starts dropping. Mrs. Mansculinity (who is a hearty MF) and I were staunchly opposed to any sort of pharmaceutical intervention, but then her water…
So to recap, when the petulant manbaby called a woman “bitch” and implied she “owed him sex” (a rapey sentiment that everyone who bought his music simply overlooked)... IT WASN’T TRUE? You mean that “bitch” has agency? And had it the whole time? And doesn’t owe men a fucking thing?