I WAS the worst house guest ever. Went to visit a friend for a three-day weekend JUST as the flu hit me. I was on his couch eight days and infected him AND his girlfriend.
I WAS the worst house guest ever. Went to visit a friend for a three-day weekend JUST as the flu hit me. I was on his couch eight days and infected him AND his girlfriend.
Why was she wearing a cashmere sweater in AUGUST?
Imagine if he gets it and then spreads it to Pence, Mitch, and the rest of the Geriatric Goons. Nature finally accomplishes what humanity couldn’t.
Did anyone think Biel would put up with that ego for a lifetime?
Timberlake should have kept his dick in a box.
Holy shit. I actually agree with a publicist. This is turning into a very weird day.
Or Taylor Swift just doesn’t give a fuck about the Grammy’s because her mom has a brain tumor and her cancer is back? I’m not a Taylor fan but I’m so tired of unnecessarily shitting on women's decisions when we have no insight into the decisions they’re making. Who gives a fuck if she didn't go to the Grammy's? Who…
Donald Trump Jr bitching about neopotism and profiting from your father’s name somehow perfectly encapsulates our hell dimension.
This is where we really need Dolly Parton (whom I gave a pass on political issues) to speak out against this horrid bill.
Once again, I apologize on behalf of Tenneseeans. We're dumb and cannot help but do dumb shit.
Maybe it’s the state of the world today, but I’m delighted by the thought of a grouchy old librarian going all Gordon Ramsay on children’s books. “Charlotte’s Web? More like Charlotte’s Shit! Bunnicula? How about Bun-fuckula! Dr. Seuss? Don’t even get me started on that nonsensical mother fucker!”
I guess we now know who the quiet old lady whispering “Hush” was!
You guys are really free to stop giving Jeffree Star attention any time. No one here will be sad about it.
To add: historically, I would have to say one of the FOUR pairs of stirrup pants I donned as a tragically unhip teen in the eighties. Between those things giving me a crotch three inches above my knees, the terrible perm choices and my giant secretary glasses--let’s just say that when I saw Barb on Stranger Things it…
Let me tell you something.....you think you would never in a million years want to watch a show about someone in their late 60's early 70's, right? So did I, then we binged it last year and it is probably one of the most hysterical, savage shows on television. He routinely says things and does things we all secretly…