
Oklahoma: Boomer Yinzer

I have been tracking you through the computer chip we implanted in your skull back in '08. I simply write articles based on the things that happen in your life.

Many, if not most places have laws stating that in the absence of injury, if the cars are drivable to move them out of traffic.

I’m 6’7” and that picture is my reality in almost all cars. So, if Shaq (7” and many pounds larger than me) can fit in the car AT ALL, it will be a luxurious ride on a cloud for me.

“14 days of driving—and several months of sightseeing”
14 days is just the drive time, you can spend as much time as you want stopping and sight seeing

July 2004 - Tucson, AZ to Biloxi, MS.
October 2004 - Biloxi, MS to Tucson, AZ
1997 Chevy Cavalier. No A/C. Black in color.

If this means crazy Russian Drivers ending up on NYC streets... no thank you!

You left out one of the best parts of his story, in that he overcame a severe childhood stuttering problem to become a successful broadcaster.

There is much to joke about when it comes to Bill Walton. But I will say this: Anyone who can be so "out there," but still forge a completely successful relationship with one of the most famously straight-laced people of all time, be a Hall of Famer and reach the absolute pinnacle of his profession, find a second

Rather than (effectively) cancelling the show, BBC could have turned it into material and had an entire season of Clarkson getting pranked, abused, staying in lousy hotels, served cold cuts, and generally getting shat on by the hosts and producers, all at his own request. Every week they could announce a new fan's

All my desktops are fuzzy if I forget my glasses :-)

Being from Oregon... calling those cute little bumps "mountains" is kind of amusing.

I'd watch it if James May and Gordon Ramsay were the co-stars

I know, a mobile cooking show.

Top throwback jersey in Toronto:

Dirty Canadian here, so my choices are, well, foreign.

Lagunitas Daytimer

Looks like a pair of brass bollocks to me.

And let's not forget that with HDMI cables, you should always just buy the cheapest one. It's a digital signal, so it has two states: working and not working. There's no such thing as a "better picture" from gold plating or anything like that.