He should have followed the Mike Pence rule and not been in a motel room with an under-age prostitute without his wife present.
He should have followed the Mike Pence rule and not been in a motel room with an under-age prostitute without his wife present.
I approve this response. The science and the burn.
I’m pretty sure this was intended to keep prostitutes from walking the streets near churches looking for business. Unless the charges here are just wrong, though, they suggest that Oklahoma law considers soliciting a prostitute (i.e., being the John) to be engaging in prostitution. That seems... enlightened?
The loss of the earned income credit (negative % tax) would hurt the working poor.
The Boomers had some early successes: the right to vote at 18, ending the draft and the Vietnam War, watching Fantasia while stoned. For a brief time there was a feeling of revolution in the air, another path opened. Stranger in a Strange Land. 2001, the movie. But then there was cocaine and unbridled sex and…
Seriously, anti-family values. Anti-single-parent families, anti-same-sex couple families, anti-impoverished families trying to stay together in the same poorly-maintained public housing unit, anti-immigrant families with some undocumented members, anti-families dealing with serious health issues.
Are we sure he hasn’t gotten into his own medicine cabinet? For, you know, extra-strength acetaminophen.
Just for the record, I have never seen a man masturbating in a locker room, although I’ve seen it in parks and other public places. I wouldn’t want women to think this was a widespread phenomenon. Old men walking to the showers with towels over the shoulders or wearing flip flops only, yes, sadly.
The debris is to the left of the car in the picture, suggesting that the truck was flying at least on a diagonal from right to left. Since some part of it hit the driver’s side of the car, it makes sense that the left front side of the car would be dragged to the left over the line. UNLESS SHE WAS ALREADY PARKED THAT…
I loved running and I miss it. Ran a few marathons. My goal in every run, whether I planned it or not, was to run faster. Just gonna do a ten-mile fun run. Maybe do the first 2 miles fast. That was pretty fast. Wouldn’t want to waste it. Make it a fast 10K and then back off. Man, I’m really moving. Could break my 10…
I wonder how he watches porn.
I’m with Random on this. They were both grown-ass adults and a 31-year-old woman is not a baby, even if the man is in a position of power. Conversely, if he was her boss and sexually abused her, it wouldn’t be acceptable if they were the same age.
Sean, I’m done sympathizing with people who use their authority or privilege to make other people’s lives immeasurably worse. Do you think people at the head of the current administration spend any time imagining the misery of immigrant families split up, undocumented residents who are being treated for cancer or…
“We can never eradicate him from the history books.”
Perhaps they recognized the worst boss ever schtick but thought he’d be working for them instead of the other way around.
I subscribe to one of those papers and I’m thinking of subscribing to the other one as well just to keep the press free in the other sense of the word.
I hate when people say Trump is a great communicator. He over-promises, says despicable things about people and groups and does not let facts stand in the way of saying whatever he wants. He is the cocaine of communication.
Barbados. Washington slept there.
This is an interesting story for another reason: the illusion of invisibility. Unless we’re famous or gorgeous or really different, we get used to thinking that no one notices what we do. They notice, and if even if they don’t notice, they take pictures and notice later.
From my high school days, an opposing team’s chant: