
Megyn Kelly is holding her ace card in reserve. Lyndon Johnson had a colorful expression for what Megyn has in her pocket.

Change the cellphone number. Let your your daughter tell everyone why she has a new number — or not.

2020 campaign slogan: Make America Grade Again.

After the straw liberals you’ve concocted out of your feverish imagination and your library full of screeds disappear, how will you and your army of 5 million gun owners reverse the damage to the environment? Without regulating the industries that are destroying it?

I swear I wrote my version of this theory before I read yours. Then after I posted it I started looking warily through the remaining comments.

“...but this still sounds fake to me. The employee couldn’t possibly be more sympathetic, and the manager couldn’t be more comically evil and oblivious.”

Insecurity is the price we pay for the privilege of being alive in an insecure world.

“I assume people supporting him find most charities to be bullshit liberal operations...”

Ride together? Sorry dude, this bike only has one speed: 11.

Where did this definition come from? My Merriam Webster’s dictionary (okay, from 1979) only has the kill or execute by electricity meanings. Even if it does now have the meaning of injure by electricity, I suspect that means a more serious, life-threatening injury than the kind being touted in those old articles.

You know who else has a problem with judges and wants to see them recalled? Conservatives who think judges legislate from the bench. Judicial independence is a valuable thing, and efforts to recall judges who make unpopular decisions will cut away at that independence, even if the unpopular thing also happens to have

You’re obviously not trying to curry favor with Golden State. Let them just saffron silence.

Vick was actually a good example for argument purposes because I cannot tell you how many dog owners, men and women, pledged never to watch a game he was in. I’ve never heard them pledge not to watch a Jameis Winston game.

“Twelve Not Dead at McDonalds Because Angry Women didn’t have Guns.” I can see the relationship, but I’m not deliberately blind.

This is like the first third of a mystery novel when everyone thinks they know who the guilty person is, and then the detective goes about showing what really happened. The three smiling ladies might be guilty or not, but I’m disappointed at the reporter on the story, who didn’t have enough curiosity to go beyond the

Jurors who disagree with the sentence Judge Persky gave Turner are excusing themselves from jury panels. That leaves...?

Nice idea, although “whibs” is unfamiliar to both the eye and ear. I would like to make a simpler (unrelated) suggestion: spell the past tense of “read” as “redd.” This would remove the ambiguity in sentences like “I read that as a warning.” Alternatively, if we wanted the word to have a more traditional look, we

I read once that in many pre-modern societies, mothers would carry their babies everywhere on their hips. Without diapers, the mothers would get a good feel for when the baby was going to produce something and hold them at arms’ length until the deed was done.

Naptime. We stopped giving our kids naps at an early age and they slept better at night. We did, however, read and sing to them until they dropped off. If it took them too long to drop off we just moved bedtime later until we hit a sweet spot, which was convenient because we often couldn’t eat dinner together until 8

I can’t laugh at this story. Yes, he needs to go to prison and be treated if he has an emotional or mental disability. No, his nose is not funny. But most importantly, this is a feel good story about something that is not America’s current rape problem — that would be acquaintance rape involving sex either without