
I thought Pee Wee Hermann brought it back as the pun “Cowabugna.” (While looking at ant farm.)

I don’t think there’s any dispute things are hard for white men living below the poverty line in West Virginia. It’s hard for their wives and sisters, too. But they are being conned if they let Trump yank them along like pull toys because he is NEVER going to improve their lives or care about improving their lives.

Was going to say this exact thing, NomNom, but not as well. Hubris: she just knew without checking first that the pictures were ten months late because of some lazy bureaucrats. How many other facts, about more important stuff, have you not bothered to check, Greta?

No, not a good apology. Good PR. John, you know how to use a phone? Call Keira, don’t text her. Let her vent her anger at you. THEN tell us how sorry you are.

I’m a day late to this party but I wonder if there is any double counting going on with the donation money: Trump or another donor gives $500K to Trust A which turns around and gives $75K to Organization B. Total contributions, $575K, right?

This really looks a lot like a Ponzi scheme where the investors and regulators start to ask questions about the money and the schemer has to start moving money around and paying back small chunks in the hopes that it will quiet everyone down and give him more time. I wish I was gifted enough to embed a GIF of Bill

I’m trying to figure out whether bonified was an intentional alternative spelling of bona fide but leading toward not. Because that brings a different picture to mind altogether.

“I’m not crying over their loss of the ability to pee standing up.” The statement was probably intended to help create a visual image of the extent of the damage rather than to stimulate tear ducts. If the deal were that the guy could have a sexually functioning penis but that he would have to pee seated for the rest

“Someone who I won’t point you at so you can’t harass her.”

Is it a pathogen in the brain that causes someone to go off like this? Why would person A think it’s okay to insult person B’s career because person A doesn’t understand the concept behind person B’s article? For the record, Clover Hope raises a good question about the movie, and the interaction between the movie

Thank you, Gene, for mentioning Nun’s Story. I expected to see “here I am a famous beauty playing a plain nun” but was blown away by her acting. The conflict was between her dedication to medicine and her dedication to the life of a nun and she made you see both.

Sherlock Holmes said (simplistically, in my opinion) that if you eliminate all of the other possible solutions, the one that remains is the correct one. I think one of the first solutions we can eliminate is “JFK was still alive on November 29.” Otherwise, we’d have to conclude that everyone at the White House was

I cut anyone who eats melons. I despise the smell of them. Otherwise, I’m very tolerant of other people’s eating preferences.

Let’s try to translate or maybe just restate this stupidly written letter. You, Owen, committed a crime. Other boys at your school in past years have committed the same crime and have gotten away with it. But you will be punished and you have already become a pariah, exposed nationally to the ire of millions. You may

Thanks. Any respect I might have had for the prof. shriveled up and blew away at the misuse of wizened. Pretender.

And then you will be arrested for assault (but not indicted, probably) and the bathroom will be unusable until it airs out. There has to be a better way.

Where the hell are all these shy bladder types? Not in the men’s bathroom at a baseball game between innings, or even a Broadway theater at intermission.

This is really like the opposition to same-sex marriage again and “reasons” that never made any sense why it would be bad for traditional marriage. And both are, fundamentally, like the discovery by young people of what sex is and the horrifying realization that their parents did it and may still be doing it. Ohmigod

Totally apart from everything else, his presentation in the 1964 ad, pausing to consider, lighting a cigarette, is so cool. It’s like he’s sitting at your dining table talking to you.

If a PR firm wrote this sentence: “The company in which I was involved with did not honor the contract and did not meet their obligations and as such the courts ruled in my favor,” they should be fired. Unless they were trying to make the statement look authentic.