@kaffenated: awww :(
@kaffenated: awww :(
@ravella_the_riverboat_queen: Or maybe some people just don't any like discrimination based on sexual orientation. Deny someone service for being a piece of misogynist shit, not for their sexual orientation.
@ImSpartacus: Yeah I spent $2K+ on a VAIO SZ (precursor to the Z) nearly 5 years ago and it's still averagely fast and keeps me happy. I know no one else who's gotten their money's worth out a laptop like I have.
Nice to see some VAIO Z love on here. Shit's *expensive*, but it's arguably the best laptop you can buy right now based on power and portability...if you have the money.
Am I the only one that's been on a date and it's clearly not going well, you're both obviously bored, though no one's acting crazy...
Hey guys, have you heard of Apple's crazy new AppleTalk protocol? It's like totally going to change your LIFE!
Forgive me if I'm skeptical...I highly doubt these machines employ the types of cryptosystems that would make it "impossible." Then there's always that "analog loophole."
@DanKrouse: So we very plainly lay out our rights in the Constitution and then casually dismiss them as cursory when we get scawwed by the widdle tewwowists?
@wheresmyjetpack: Money still makes the decisions. If the outcry (i.e. people not flying, airlines losing money) becomes more than the cost of completely redoing their security infrastructure, then there will be switches.
@wheresmyjetpack: While that may be true, the TSA was required to be used for two years. After two years it become there's no way an airport will switch from a financial standpoint. They were given the market; there was no intent to *actually* foster competition.
@kaffenated: Oh and here's the aforementioned Bruce Schneier's site... [www.schneier.com]
@kaffenated: It is important to be informed. There's plenty of evidence to support, however, that the TSA, being security organization existing without competition does next to nothing to actually improve security at airports and on airplanes. Take a read over here: [www.theatlantic.com] or anything by Bruce Schneier…
@narf: WTF is your zip-tie made of that it can handle exhaust heat??
@Skink: More likely is wasn't as beefy as the suspension it controlled.
@MortalAthena: Independent of my current weight my parents will ask me if I've been eating right and/or excercising. I then feel bad because I don't exercise as much as I should (if at all)...which is good because I know need to exercise more.
@nutbastard: The e-brake is likely just rear drum brakes, easily overcome by driving (who hasn't driven with their parking brake on at some point in time). Even it if was locking up rear discs, the drive wheels in a FWD car will still drag it forward pretty rapidly.
@beercheck: The thing is, he could have also sawed through the rusty-ass low-grade steel or iron he was chained to.
@Captain Fish, PhD (c): Looks like they got them through a FOIA request, so yes, they are publicly available.
@Steezy McFresh: I think with the original nook that was the case, though the product was of release quality and not particularly buggy...it just could've been better, so they made it better after the fact.