
Consumers should note that BN has been excellent when it comes to software updates. They're not as flashy or as much of an overhaul as you get with your Android phone updates, but they're VERY good at continuing to improve their product after release.

Don't really understand the placement of the S-10 on there. Want a small 'merican truck? Ranger and S-10 are about your only choices.

For anyone interested in the uselessness of the TSA from a realistic security standpoint, here's a nice article about forging boarding passes, bringing whatever you want through security, and underusing the data that's available.

"Facebook has 500 million active users"

There's one of those around me that apparently runs and drives going for around $500...I'd get it, but I don't want to battle rust on a '69 in the rust belt with a single-car garage.

What a terrible phone for a flagship device. Wouldn't be bad if it were just another phone, but as a flagship? My G2 is brushed aluminum and teflon-plastic; it FEELS and looks like a $500 flagship-this-is-the-best-we-got device...this, looks like a phone.

@gabrielwalsh: I must say, that's a pretty good first comment.

I'm all for innovation in in the typing-on-a-tiny-screen market, so kudos for that.

I think I liked AJ's guest spot on Jezebel better...just sayin'

@CorporateFelon: Yeah there's no coverage to speak of...just a half-hour recap of god knows how long on HDNet random Sunday mornings...

You spoil it with the headline... :(

@Razoky: Name a more iconic scifi novel that's not Ender's Game...

@Cash907Censored: Yeah losing only 500,000 viewers from the heavily-marketed premiere is REALLY impressive.

@akumadiavolo: Well the editors were lambasted the last time they tried that.

So we're still pushing the superiority of synthetic oil? /headdesk

@Mireille is Cattery-Operated: Oh I know what you mean; as a born-n-raised Minnesotan I am victim to constant proud disappointment in all sports, bared for all the world to see. I just haven't seen much of it in media/print/blog form.

Where did all these MN fans come from? I mean, I know we're awesome, but really...I've seen more bloggers mention MN teams in the last few weeks than ever before.

@sharkd: Yep, but I said "non-race conditions." If you have brake fade due to gassing in your DD, you're doing it wrong.

@maribella: So if someone consents to sex and then says "no," retracting their consent as the act begins, the aggressor has a right to force them to complete said previously consented act? Geez, there's a whole lot of rape/assault convictions that need to be overturned...