Shit, I forgot the pliers...
Shit, I forgot the pliers...
How did this blow up this big?
@this_charming_one: I think stadiums are just hostile to bladders. It doesn't matter how many times I gone to any arena or stadium, the restroom is either a half mile away...or 50 feet in the direction you didn't walk, which you only discover when you've made it all the way around the stadium!
Looks like it will be $500 non-contract (although this was posted earlier I believe).
100 puppies would have been sooo much cuter.
@ShriHumphrey: lol ZOMG im so l33ts!
I'm surprised the Corolla S didn't make the list.
@FrankN.Stein: Some look like this.
@sassafras_: P4 3.2GHz vs. 1.8GHz Core 2 (even a solo) and the Core will win. Clock speed means very little.
@Admiral_Awesome: I was thinking the exact same thing...
Really wish they would have made the keyboard 5-row like the G1. ...or basically just taken most of the G1 and updated the internals. I love the G1 keyboard...
@bacon117 thinks 3D porn brings a new dimension to the money shot: Ironically that automatic transmission was what saved your ass in this situation...
@David Rosen: Yeah I'll probably roll with at least a 1-year contract this time around...
@David Rosen: No contract purchase FTW!
Sweet, finally an upgrade option for us G1 early-adopter sufferers!
This is approaching "vaporware of the decade" status. That said, the fact that they're steadily releasing gameplay footage makes those vapors somewhat tangible.
Wait, isn't comparison with a GPS tracker bad, seeing as police no longer need a warrant to use one?
I fucking HATE child molesters...
It's the iPod Think obviously...
This really needed a (fairly terrible) how-to video? I thought this was common knowledge...