Chris Foosman

Acceptance! You made it!

You're welcome.

I have to keep you idiots from killing the movement like you did in November. I'll let you deal with the spelling!

Quit challenging someone who is telling you how to marshal your resources to mount a successful campaign against fascism!

Bye bye pervert!

Yes, because the article doesn't lay that out. At best, a "charm(ing)" response also involves self-deprecation. Not a Nazi tactic. With so many other fascist things going on here, why not attack those?

The word you want is "your."

You're confused by the difference. Please read my original comment and see what I said. It's an attempt to be self-depricating. Perhaps you should stop studying the German and learn to read.

The second step is anger. You're getting there!

There's a difference between "charming" and "self-depricating." I'm English, I know the meaning. We created the language. You might want to learn to use it before debating the finer points of it.

If you've never heard the nail and hammer thing before, you really do need to spend more time listening and less time talking.

Yeah, and Nazis don't start with self-deprication.

Wrong. This "attack every slight thing like it's the sign he's the anti-Christ" is what made right-wing idiots everywhere say "they're just being petty" and stop listening to us when we pointed out why things were really wrong.

I'm not the one mischaracterizing the guy I constantly keep replying to. I'm the original commenter who put forth an idea. You have been trolling me dingus.

That's actually also untrue the whole way through. Care to try again?

Never seen IT. Too busy doing whatever it is people with lives do.

Sorry to say that's not the case for you.

This is all those things. You're thinking everything is a nail because all you know how to use is a hammer. Learn from your betters.

I know. I responded.

Anyone who thinks this is legitimate griping material.