
All that work and the mount still shows...

@JBrandt: Maybe if the iOS notifications get an improvement I would take another shot at the iPhone on Verizon. Oh, and the Swype keyboard...

Give me my Incredible update!

@bearslayer: Haha I loved that subtle line in the background!

Good trance to start off the day! I think it's the music and mesmerizing clouds in the background...

Were all these shots counted for accuracy?

The mystery box?! It could be anything! It could be a boat! You know how much we've wanted one of those...

@redmac: You do present a valid point. I still wonder what is in there...

@Dr.Enos: They do look pretty tossed together. However, there are a few that turned out really great!

@mykalt45: Tell me about it! I know Apple is pushing HD downloads from iTunes by not adding it, but seriously, give me some blu-ray already!

@Rick Lyon: In my opinion, using the trackpad over 8 hours a day is painful. I find switching between the trackpad and a trackball has been much better on my wrists.

I just want upload speeds to match my download speeds...

So Tab Candy is Spaces combined with Bump for browsing?

I do not know why I read this article every time it comes up, but I'll do by best to keep being a good boy!

Can not stand the garbage that came with the Incredible. I could get over it if I could simply uninstall it!

Let's be real here, unless someone scientifically tests every phone with the same amount of signal strength, the same amount of grip strength on the phone, and every possible way to hold a phone (Just some broad variables; there are surely more!) we can not confirm anything...

Bigger is better!

Make this for Android! Pretty please!

Someone, please create this interface for Android ASAP!