
@Synthfilker: Then you lose the cooling affect of the ambient air, which I would bet is the case.

@Illundiel: You realize for most, $670k would take a lifetime to payoff...

Internet. So addicted, this airline may be the final rationale I need to move to Asia to get my fix.

Ok, where is the Instructable link?

@Robert 'K-M' Alicea: I think he cropdusted the fellows he has attached to his kinky prison sex toy...

Maybe the sponsors can help them with their whale problems...

@IndomitableWrath: Runs a whole lot faster than my iPhone. I recommend downloading and giving Swype a try. Takes a little time to acclimate, but it's awesome once you do! Enjoy your Incredible!

Anyone going to eat that steak?

@MacAttack: The 3G and 3GS have both been released since the show went of the air in '03. I would say their launches weren't quite as crazy as the 4G, but still pretty wild compared to most phones.

Loved the episode! Someone retwit this!

I want a cool trained monkey! But, he can't share my coffee...

Straight to torrent movie.

Ok, someone please tell me where this classic Jobs pose came from! I can not for the life of me figure it out.

@SGTalon: Great argument! I agree with your view entirely.

His website has a lot of great stuff on it too!

@MazdaMania: Just horrible timing during such a crossroad for U.S. soccer!

@Brazell: I wanted the Incredible no matter what. However, I know my Dad would have preferred the physical keyboard on the Droid, but the upper row of keys were too hard to use, so like son like father in this case.

@webdevmike: So true! There is also almost no learning curve!

@Adam: If I recall my Materials Engineering correctly, going to the plastic state is required for permanent deformation (or forming in this case). Also, the shear and tensile strength will increase until you reach the Ultimate Strength. Now, once you are beyond Ultimate Strength is where you should be concerned...