
Anyone know what/where the original of the picture is from?

@MikeSWelch: Then, all I would want is 3D Starfox!

Please Nintendo! I'm sure I'd be one of the millions willing to pay like $20 for all the classics!

ESPN3 while in class or working in my office. Unfortunately, you can not resize the video, so it really gets in the way of reading Giz and/or working at the same time. HINT: ESPN3 allow users to resize the video. Or, an HD stream that I could play with VLC would would be nice...

@jbrecken: @jdale: Great info guys! I think my roommate's coffee table might be infinitely changed this weekend...

@tj: Good to know! Now, I just need to get my balls of steel ready to void the warranty on my brand spankin' new Incredible...

I like! Where is the DIY though? $880 is a little to steep for this handy man...

@aja175: Exactly. Incredible mod next please!

Wait?! They let Giz in?

I think it is great that they have something that could jump start their economy! Look at Dubai as an example of what they can do if they use the profits from their minerals to diversify and expand their economy.

Still waiting on a Mac VLC solution so I can float the window on top of my work...

I am not sure if I missed an official announcement, but when did Wired start contributing on Giz?

Aren't we supposed to be using these awesome phones to take someone home at the end of the night? Thus making porn apps irrelevant...

@CIM: Agreed. If their usage statistics are so important, why risk any kind of bias, or perhaps in this case, retribution, from Google being at the helm?

@lowtolerance: Tried GRiP, but still wasn't as good as WebOS or Android.

Is it me, or does the Huangpu River (had to look that one up) seem narrower?

@fleebailey33: That's a really good idea! I would do it if I was not so lazy!

@darngooddesign: If I recall correctly, customers with the current unlimited plan get to keep it after the upgrade. The new tiered plan only applies to new customers.

@mike.mac: Or, they may be worried about Android competition...