
Probably because most aspiring race car drivers would rather be compared to someone who wins races.

The best comparison ive found is that in championship winning equipment she has been able to produce results on par with an aging Mike Wallace in C or B tier equipment.

Nah, I’m not famous and don’t have a wikipedia page about myself. If I did I’d link to that as well showing you I’m not in the .1% of my profession (if that was even possible).

I’m not hating on her hustling her way into a driver’s seat. But it would be nice if she, ya know, won a few races here and there, or even finished most of them. The Ricky Bobby school of driving only works if you actually win when you don’t spectacularly crash out. And if Danica weren’t an attractive woman that

It takes mostly money to get there. You know how I know? Because Danica isn’t that good.

“Landauer has no victories but eight top-five and 19 top-10 finishes. But only one top-five and six top-10 finishes have come this season”

we’ll make a deal. I’ll stop doing that if automotive journalism stops calling every sporty 4 seater a “3 series fighter” or every hot hatch a “GTI fighter” or every off road package truck a “raptor fighter” or every....see where Im going with this?

Volvo seats are amazing. From what I understand theirs are designed by an orthopedic surgeon. Crazy comfortable and supportive.

I had the same sort of issues with my 2006 Legacy GT, loved the car, but the seats caused severe lower back problems. I ended up driving my Ex’s Fit more often as it sat more upright. I did have a Volvo XC70 for a brief moment, man was that a nice throne to be in.

if road testing a car is a “shitty thing” then you deserve to drive a car that falls apart.

probably because some random woman was yelling in his face with a cell phone camera on him. is that a normal every day occurrence for you? it’s not for me.

Oh, calm down people typing ‘TYPICAL STEALERSHIP’ into the comments already... I see you. Stop it.

It takes privilege to “ignore the rest of what she said?” Are you telling me that when she said racism is inherent, not learned, she didn’t mean it? Sorry, wrong. I get that she’s angry, and people can find it hard to realize all the little ways in which they might be bigoted. But that’s indeed LEARNED behavior.

Yes, that’s another one of those mistakes. Every white person is to blame but mainly the British Empire (as a stand in for slavery or something)? My (German) grandfathers fought the British Empire - to have a real slave empire. Does that make them good?
Really, nothing against pointed opinions but if you make some

“If you’re genuinely against bigotry you can drop this nonsense.”

Yes, society is to blame, not people. But society is made up and made by people. So if society is racist and will always be racist, because there is no escape, how come people like the model (or other black people) are not slaves anymore? There must have been some change and it must have been done by white people

You aren’t a ‘race traitor’, but you do come across as a bit self-abasing and too quick to embrace a dubious statement as ‘obvious fact’. No skin color has a monopoly on atrocity. It isn’t a racial characteristic, it’s a (sadly) human one. In a history of struggle, the victors became oppressors, often to brutal

White people aren’t the most the violent race on Earth. White people are humans, just like every other race, and humans are violent.

I am genuinely confused by that someone could read her initial post and not think that her explicit words mean what they say. It wasn’t metaphor or implicit signalling as implied by Isha, because thankfully the model went through the trouble of explicitly clarifying what she meant.