
Ferrari might understand the internet better than you think. They want these rich dickheads to feel important when they are selected for the opportunity to buy an even more ridiculously overpriced “special edition”. A high profile denial keeps up the mystique around Ferrari by making the asshats already who are

lol the sock-lessness did it

“To buy a limited-edition car, you have to buy a few other cars that you don’t want. I didn’t want to play the game. But there’s no other way to get into the queue.”

Coincidentally, the video seems to take place in a climate controlled garage.

Like it or not, this is a good play by Ferrari. The 1% that can afford the top tier prancing horses will invest more into the exclusivity pitch. The “clubhouse admission” for these people isn’t price.

He seems like a jabroni, maybe that’s why (opinion based on JLG appearances).

Counterpoint: Ferrari denied a very vocal Ferrari owner knowing he would bitch about it advertising the brand’s exclusivity. People want what they can’t have. Smart move.

If that’s the reason he wasn’t selected for that particular car, then that’s incredibly stupid. Of course, I suppose I’m not entirely surprised. Ferrari wants to portray itself as an exclusive marque, and by sharing his enjoyment with others, perhaps it’s making them less exclusive? I know that sounds beyond dumb, but

Only after said jabronis are liquidated.

Good luck with that! Formula E is the stupidest thing, after the pizza scissors:

As many others have said, looking at social media isn’t too rare when they think the car might have been tracked.

Thank god someone said it. I know that there would be outrage about this regardless (we have seen it before), but my guess is the white-knighting took this shit to a whole other level. An ugly truth about male dominated hobbies/cultures.

She’s a popular social media personality with the majority of her followers being men. She’s also heavily into everything automotive while also being quite attractive, which when our kind see something like her, we go batshit crazy over because we somehow think they’re rare (despite this website having 3 women writers

Her car is covered in graphics. I haven’t seen 360 degree pictures of it, but I assume there is some text on there advising you to follow her on instagram / facebook / youporn.

This isn’t “hating on them”. This is white knights with neckbeards trying to get in her pants.

Yeah, I see where your going. Still doesn’t justify a death threat though...

I’ll say it again. When you’ve got 13,000 Instagram followers and your own site where you sell merch featuring your car...it isn’t “stalking” or “creeping” when you’re found on social media.

1. The sense of suicide is to die, the sense of the TT is to race on this legendary course.

The same could be said about Pike’s Peak, the guy that paddle boarded the Atlantic Ocean, high level long distance sail boat racing, powerboat racing, and pretty much any automotive racing.
Not everyone wants to live to be 100 years old and pass away from their organs failing with a rapidly degenerating brain/memory