
Eh - I think all that shit about the queen caring about any of this is the bull-type. QE2 and Olenna could probably have some sweet laughs over some g&t’s with corgi entertainment.

Not British. But Middletons wouldn’t be a house since they’re technically commoners. And I hope to all hell that the Queen is the living embodiment of Olenna Tyrell—the sassiest grandmother in all the Seven Kingdoms!

Star for comment and your user name.

I like “My humans” — as if the pup is the real owner in this situation. I wish there was a tiny note on the bottom that read: And I have condoned this!

I give this wedding party all the stars! And I give both those pups all the treatzzz.

If only it had been a CORGI!

There’s one like an hour and a half south of my hometown beach. For someone who loves spending time in the ocean—I do not possess the proper fear of sharks that I should.

And if the President dies - there’s a fight to the death between the two of them to see who fills the role. Which I would watch on PPV with a bucket of popcorn.

Hi neighbor. Agree wholeheartedly. Anything that at least curtails the packs of white banker/fratty college bros that roam my neighborhood all weekend long getting wasted and stumbling around the sidewalks, I support!

To be honest - not that bad since J, Z, and M are running. I was actually hoping it would cut down on the huge weekend crowds, but nope! Tourist fuckers and fratty college bros are all up in my hood.

Mary Lee, be my friend. We can go to Smorgasburg together or maybe Rockaway Taco if that’s easier for you—I’ll work around your schedule. I love sharks.

Super late to the party. But has anyone else watched the Kurt Cobain doc on HBO? Just finished it. So amazing and heartbreaking. But through it all, I kept thinking how amazing Frances Bean is. I knew going into it that she was a producer and had been instrumental in the making of it—and just wow! Just wow. What

This is why I’m all CITY HALL! If it ever happens between Mr. Pdiddywha & I. He’s totally on board. His family be crazy but sweet. And the crazy is too much.

I think you might have just become my spirit October. Like on an eve in October, I will light something in your honor.

I’m not forgiving these bridesmaids. But did you make it clear to them that these were their responsibilities?

Most wedding photographers consist of two people. Pls have one follow you and your groom and do all the necessary photos and the other follow these drunken wonderful hooligans that you call friends!

Ugh. I hate the whole has to be equal on both sides bullshit. Pretty sure it accounts for two of the times I was asked to be a bridesmaid and was still young enough to say not to have the tenacity to say no.

First off, I wanna be your friend. Second, I’ve been the single MOH/bridesmaid at two weddings and it was perfect at both. YOU DO YOU. And you seem lovely.

Flashing panties way more important than being a bridesmaid. The wedding is all about a fun ass reception! (see what I did there... I’ll show myself out and congrats!!)

I’ve been the MOH at two weddings. One time was for my best friend and the other was my sister. Both times, I was the only bridesmaid—and I highly recommend because you have one person running point and your other friends can come and go from the bridal suite/room day of wedding as they please. Pro-tip for MOH: I made