
If that’s true - the kitty is basically a service animal...there for his emotional needs.

Think he’s watching a cat video? Seems like that kitty is there to give an opinion.

And he’s getting slaughtered in the comments section. This was seriously a stupid move for him and the NYTimes.


Nailed it! Tho - one possible edit:

7-11. I don’t know who in their corporate office is in charge of their fountain machines, but that person deserves a goddamn James Beard award. Never had a bad fountain drink at a sevvy.

I’ll never forget my family was at Christmas dinner at my upscale country club. My family has always been super friendly to the waitstaff, so our waitress admitted she was pretty tired, had been working all day on a holiday—so basically got to open up gifts with her kids then go right in to work. Anyway, she was

I love it when we liberals use Jesus—it’s like stealing the GOP’s candy.

Oh Tamah - if only what you speak were true!

Star-crossed lovers!

I’m turning myself into a broken record, but: Hey Republicans, you know who else is trying to stop women from getting abortions? IRAN. Yeah, that’s who sees eye to eye with you on this.

But I feel like whenever someone says that, they are a clearly a tourist or someone very new to riding the subway. Look newbie, stay calm and learn how this fucking system works.

Seriously. I’m from FL. Daenery’s dragons couldn’t drag me back there.

Oh yeah A1 FTW.

Another for you.

Same here—until I went to SF and walked over the Golden Gate Bridge. We had to constantly weave around groups who had stopped to take selfie-stick pics. ANNOYING.

When I think I can't have more of a crush on POTUS!

If there is anything red carpet pre-shows have taught us: Never let Rancic loose without a script.