
Agreed. I meet people all the time that are adamantly pro-choice, think the rich should pay higher taxes, happy about Obamacare, etc, but if I ask who they're voting for, they just shrug and say they don't follow politics or "all politicians are the same." Obviously they do follow politics and have beliefs. Are they

I've had the same feeling. That said, I've sort of made a new best friend! And she's awesome—so it can happen! We went to a concert tonight and are seeing a movie Sunday and it was like no thing. But it took a while. I have tons of "friends" that are my go-to call for a brunch, concert, etc, but not just that

I love in #9 that "an important relationship decision" is what to do on a date night. Obviously, the genius Grant hasn't been involved in any truly important relationship decisions, like whether or not to plant dolphin-growing trees or seal-sprouting bushes in the backyard.

Totally agree. First, you don't see beauty companies going after men. And celebrity-wise, overweight male stars are rarely called fat and the ups and downs of their scale numbers are hardly watched. Female celebrities? There are daily memos on this or that starlet trying to lose weight, experts hired to guess what her

Nice work. And nice job by The Onion's photo department, that dude totally looks like a guy who would be friends with the genius Grant.

My mom basically hung up on me when I called to get her reaction this morning. She's a little bit more mainstream than my crazy Republican dad, but I fear this might have pushed her to the right. She's under some crazy belief that "Obamacare" will prevent her from going to any of her current doctors.

So until this morning, I'd never heard this term "rights of conscience." I was listening to BBC Radio and they were interviewing an anti-ACA protestor who wanted it struck down solely because it might provide public funding for abortions. He said the Supreme Court should think about "the rights of conscience." So he