
Two things to keep in mind:

Thank god for the internet

The Blackfish calls the Freys’ bluff and stands tall to Jaime. “I wanted to get the measure of you,” he tells Jaime. “I’m disappointed.” That’s what Olenna said to Tywin once upon a time.

I always assumed so? Or at least a follower, given the use of fire. Do we have any other examples of a voice (rather than a vision) emerging from fire?

You seem to be confused as to why Varys a prior disapproved of the red priestess. Varys said to Tyrion many a season ago that he abhors all forms of dark magic, on account of his cutting at the hands of a sorcerer, and thus greatly feared Stannis claiming the iron throne with Melisandre at his side. The same fear

"She takes Daya to the camp more or less against her will, and struggles
to leave her there, feeling that she is abandoning her child."

"a retweet from Manny Pacquiao (not the Filipino legislator)"

"Suddenly, the insurgents are everywhere, and the former masters are dropping like flies" & "How elegant that he dies shortly thereafter as part of the great liberating movement of the Sons of the Harpy."