
I agree with all of that except the tie knot part - it’s certainly not too small, and it’s probably not too big either, though it’s just plain poorly done. Also, his ties are shiny & ugly, his baggy pants make his feet look elfish & tiny (which they actually are; it’s not just an illusion), his lapels are far too

She’s fine - her show is occasionally damn funny and Trainwreck had its moments. I don’t love her, but there are few comedians I do love anyways. She’s no different than a Seth Rogen or whomever - good for a laugh, even if inconsistent.

Agreed, it’s not that rape is portrayed at all (it should be), it’s that it’s usually portrayed poorly. As the piece noted, it’s used as a vehicle for male revenge fantasies, or the male characters are the focus in some other way. It’s a lazy way of upping the shock value and showing your “Rated MA” cred.

I just mentioned Mad Men in my comment as well. Very good scene - an honest and brutal portrayal of a rape by a significant other. Plus Joan obviously expressed affection for him afterwards - and still married him! - which shows that the whole “but she texted him a couple days later so it couldn’t have been rape”

I agree, it’s not that rape is portrayed (it should be), it’s that it’s usually portrayed poorly. As the piece noted, it’s used as a vehicle for male revenge fantasies, or the male characters are the focus in some other way. It’s a lazy way of upping the shock value and showing your “Rated MA” cred.

The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

She was amazing in the Coen’s True Grit remake. Dunno bout anything else.

He barely stumped for Clinton, after promising to do “everything in his power” to make sure Trump wasn’t elected. He also questioned the legitimacy of her win, said she only won because the system was rigged (funny that women’s successes are always questioned in this way), and helped tank her likability and

Ya it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy - “Clinton lost because we voted third party or stayed home” basically

Please GOD let him have a secret illness (that is also contagious and takes Pence with him)

Ya, but she’s an awful human being in her own right.

Why wait til you get to work?

Wait is he a literal dementor? That would explain the pall he’s cast over the country (nay, the world)...

No b/c at the time one parent wasn’t good enough for automatic citizenship at birth (but there was a process to become a citizen that was fairly quick and easy). Both McCain and Cruz had two American parents at birth and were automatically US citizens at birth. Also, McCain was born on a US army base, which might be

You will be waiting a long time. That’s not a seizure because that’s not what a seizure is or looks like. It’s hard to disprove your evidence that it IS a seizure since there is no such evidence - you’re just talking out of your ass. As the person making the assertion, you have the burden of proof. Please offer some.