
Yeah one of the big scary flu’s we all know the name of only infected 8,000 people. That same year 60K+ died from reg flu. Shows how quickly we get used to things and just accept them, but puff up with fear at anything “new”. 

The irony of these articles is literally nothing you use to write, type, publish or host didn’t also go through some level of crunch. From the toothpaste you used in morning (hopefully) to anything you interacted with along the way...chances are a team was put through some levels of crunch. I’ve worked shifts for

No Tame Impala or Run the Jewels? FOR SHAME. JK. Almost every other list has them already so no need to rehash. Fingers crossed for a Jamie XX. He’s been quiet for a bit. 

She’s already doing orange face. I think she realizes that color is not really working for her so she’s hoping to change it up :D

It’s like “the” app in Asia (I live in Bangkok). Korean developed but gained fame in Japan. Over here we order food with it, chat with it, shop with it...I’ve even seen people hiring off of Line. It’s crazy good and super well implemented. Anyone I’ve known to use it doesn’t really go back. I open whatsapp like once a

Can they just release these as desktops? The bubbles and giant clock look sweet and I’d rather that than my current wallpaper. 

And if you wait 16 years you’ll get it free as a promo lead in for full immersion suit Half Life. 

Use Line and avoid giving more data to Facebook. 

At this point I feel like you guys are just hating on Joker to inspire comments and get clicks. We get it, you guys are super clever, have perfect taste and if given the funding would make the movie that would win all the awards. Is that what you want to hear and we can move on with articles?

Late 80s early 90s nostalgia is at a fever pitch. The only thing surprising is this articles dismissal of that trend. It’s broad, corny and exactly the kind of commercial middle America eats up...exactly like Cheetos.

I had an uncle tell me an insurance company near my house was hiring (this was when I was young and at that take any job kinda stage). Drove to the location in question and saw the Help Wanted sign still in the window. Sweet. This is going to be great I thought. Walked inside.

Started normal. Face to face interview

Exactly! When I read Woodlands was like of course. 

eSport technological innovations, frame rates, desire to compete at higher level, etc will push even more players to PC should be front and center of predictions for this year. Especially with rumors that new cards are sub Super2070/2080 levels so are already slower than what you can build.

eSports and Streaming will

That was an annoying quest step when this content was relevant. Much more so now that Forge stuff is what 4-5 seasons ago?

It’s the life of buildings though. Eventually need to turn useful or see themselves removed altogether. Generally if something’s not growing/changing it’s dying...

Some commentators need to step back. I think you’re approaching articles like this looking for offense or outrage...the same way creators of articles like this can do. This is one of the more balanced ones. Not saying Overwatch should be banned or anything like that, but asking could they do better?

At first I’m like

Will release in China first, but US gamers can start paying micro-transactions now

In Singapore they do these amazing Spam fries. So good. Not in any way good for you...but good LOL. 

This has been making the rounds and is so stupid. The old formula was never about mental age, but about expected life span, which the old one approximates much better.

Behavior in dogs is much more breed dependent than this formula accounts for. My Vizsla is basically a toddler mentally until about 12. There’s been