
This is year 3 of the release. I’m at 150 hours on just Shadowkeep PC (as I shifted over at the end of Moon part of the expansion). I’ve gotten my money’s worth out of the game. Just buy the expansions. It’s like a beer or two if you went out one night and you definitely get more value than those beers would give

Was that someone else faking his voice? Did it not sound like exactly like original Shaxx...or was it just recorded at different time and not equalized the same?

Why so much hate? People like what they like. More of the Star Wars movies are cheesy/bad than are good but the fan base stays faithful. People don’t have to enjoy the same shit.

If you guys are running into some of these problems - you’re eating too damn much cereal. I guarantee if you’re eating a proper serving of cereal, the milk will not be getting too warm before you’ve finished eating.

If it seems like too little. Take the to readjust your system to proper serving sizes. Your spoiled

If you chase the meta and the pinnacles you hardly get to play what you want. I’m grinding for my last pinnacle of the season now (crucible) and only playing with Arbalest. Every encounter in the back of my head I’m like teabag now but 100 more kills and I finally get to use the gun I want to play with...

And that’s

Bath toys? That’s how you raise a Francis Buxton

Damn. I’m truly sorry that you all dealt with this. Honestly I’ve never cared to follow specific authors but rather choose sites to read. I’m often sometimes surprised to learn of a writer’s gender or choices through the articles because I really just don’t pay attention.

It’s sad that some can’t allow others to enjoy

Don’t give in. Use the feedback from your pants to make a lifestyle change :P

In all seriousness I was a bit of a denim snob for a bit. Had to have thick and super detailed denim...but once I wore some stretchy tech denim was converted. Sure the old world craftsmanship is cool for a bit...but pants that look like jeans

Don’t give in. Use the feedback from your pants to make a lifestyle change :P

In all seriousness I was a bit of a

“about to become a collector’s wet dream.” - and maybe feature on some body pillows LOL 

Also to throw shade at stuff randomly like the mostly enjoyed Ryan Reynolds movie listed above LOL. It’s not Chinatown, but far from a “car crash”. 

Is this just a flex to show off your books? 

It is a truly great show.

Feel like this review is a...bit late? Hot take on Death Note next week? LOL

Because it persists, can we add general fear of MSG to the list? So much counter evidence out there and people still talk about MSG in very outdated ways. 

Have to tease you. The man lines up some truly special cars and you hone in on the Miata...typical Jalopnik family post LOL. Toy cars are about fantasy, one doesn’t need to fantasize about owning a Miata, just drop one month’s salary and get one ;)

Yeah AND Titans got low flow shoulders starting in Shadowkeep. The moon shoulders and new solar season pads are decent. Wish they’d have changed up Iron Banner shoulders, but at least there’s two now.

Warlocks look kinda trash. The only thing I can bring myself to equip is the space duster LOL.

What should have made

Looks more like what Thais would call a “Luk krung” or half child. Looks way more mixed than “white”. I have a Chinese/British friend with the same green eyes....but usually can’t get that much facial hair LOL. 

Pretty NA-centric of you to assume “other side of the world”. Went to ride to photo shoot at lunch and it was right overhead 😉🤣

And turn in with a fireteam member. You get bonus for them having the perk and they for you having it. I hit 100 like  2 1/2 weeks into last season and was barely playing. I got Undying with 6 weeks to spare so started exploring Overwatch...the grind is down a TON over previous versions of Destiny. I don’t really get

Slick hack! I’m addicted to Bordier butter and sometimes can’t be patient enough to wait for it to come to room temperature. This will save me some time and give me nice slices. 

He’s always been a super talented guy that just didn’t always have the best directors guiding him. PT Anderson showed there was hope...but with Hollywood being Hollywood they’d rather turn out sure thing broad stroke crowd pleasers than art house flicks. Plus it seemed like Adam was happiest giving his friends and