
Actually looks pretty nice and debating it on the looks alone. Love the modern white frame look!

They are a bit too committed to making you think they ship for free though. I switched from US to Thailand for my order and the price jumped 300 dollars to 619 USD a chair...but I still “get free shipping” LOL.

Actually looks pretty nice and debating it on the looks alone. Love the modern white frame look!

They are a bit too

Two things. One, never post that top pick on any of the computer/desk related boards on Reddit. That rats nest under the desk will explode heads over there.

Two, could you try to add some personality to your desk? Seems devoid of any individual touches ;)

Two things. One, never post that top pick on any of the computer/desk related boards on Reddit. That rats nest under

You guys are aware that there is a huge expat community in Hong Kong right? Like a whole decent sized US city worth...not counting additional tourists, etc. Also in many animes and art styles like this “asians” are portrayed as “white”. Look at countless Animes for examples of this...

This looks exactly like the source

Pretty sure this would have been in development long before the current protests. 

Saw this late, but a great introduction to this style of gaming. On one hand the inclusion of RNG elements sounds scary and frustrating, but on the other I do like that it encourages more spontaneity and less obvious META build strategies that plague most online games...

Don’t use bidets people. They’re gross to clean and aren’t as functional as a nice kitchen sink style butt sprayer that can double as a skid mark removal device LOL -

Don’t use bidets people. They’re gross to clean and aren’t as functional as a nice kitchen sink style butt sprayer

That Marie Kondo one still reads bad and unnecessary to me. Weird to see you guys so proud of language policing us on something that was a bit of fun (and WILL be back when she has a season 2).

As I said then, you have to embrace the fluid nature of language. And let’s not overlook the ridiculousness that was using an

I just flew out and in again and it worked. 

Saw a video online of a guy winning. Earned 1 short of a billion credits and a car I think. But definitely got the credits. 

Almost 100% because of this! Probably 99%. No way they’re going to deal with those lines on frame after frame...

In general fuck the videos replacing blog content on these sites. They’re rarely, if ever, good. I didn’t start visiting these sites for video content and have never felt like I’d enjoy it from these guys...and don’t usually. 

Who’s the UI/UX person here? This site is getting ridiculously bad navigation/use-ability. Thought it was a video only post for too long, almost closed out before finally seeing the highly obstructed more tab...some very poor design ruining articles here. 

Was hoping there was going to be some elaborate eating tray with a kief type tray underneath to catch the Dorito crystals and save them up over the course of many bags LOL. 

Classic. Video....

Thanks for at least doing some synopsis for and providing the transcript for us this time though!

Leave a voicemail? Was this article scheduled to post from 2009? LOL

Sad I come down to see folks congratulating the effort and dedication and see more grandstanding about how they’re above FOMO. This isn’t FOMO, this is just a dedicated gamer reaching a goal. We should celebrate that and have other conversations elsewhere.

To the folks that just have to have it be about them....It’ll

So was this just a poorly phrased joke about that terrible mustache? I mean, if I saw it in public I’d joke with my friends about it. 

Exactly. A LOT of talking going on. Less action. And less just love and care and forgiveness. We can’t to call out and protest, but do we want to walk with people as fellow humans and help them see? Do we want to guide by our actions and how love and compassion or just yell you’re wrong I disagree with you over and

Don’t forget the extra added “crunch” buzzword they love to push on us at every opportunity...

God yes. So tired of this. Most of us are reading this while at work. If I had time to watch videos I’d be watching better content that anything from someone who writes a click bait book “I Will Teach You to Be Rich” - gross.

more and more here “content” is other people doing the heavy lifting. 

Don’t feel like “There’s a new Tyler Perry movie” should ever be typed in a What to Watch list....
