His first appearance in IT Crowd....staggering brilliance!
The Carlton dance in particular just irked me. Writers, Producers and Directors all had a say in that dance appearing. For him to claim sole ownership of the dance is ridiculous. It’s not like he demanded that scene/wrote it/etc. Actors don’t create in a vacuum. His Sole Ownership claim negates the work of countless…
The clear ones they sell in Japan at every gas station. Tons more reliable than anything I’ve ever bought in the US and YOU CAN SEE THROUGH THEM! These should be the default.
The clear ones they sell in Japan at every gas station. Tons more reliable than anything I’ve ever bought in the US…
The best pineapple breakdowns are done by the street fruit vendors here in Thailand. You wanna see someone work it fast AND not waste a fibre...those are who to watch. The above is not a hack or even a better way.
Plus, no extra attention should be given to those guys unless as others have said it’s to mock those…
My ex was really on me to go see Passion in the theater. Finally the day came for me to go see it (Dallas Texas was selling out in the early days of this movie). I was coming off a long double shift at Starbucks where I had missed breakfast and lunch and so I grabbed an upsized quesadilla set from Taco Bell and snuck…
God that hate chicken is good though. Especially the breakfast bisquit.
But who wants them on campus? They’re closed on Sundays anyways and that’s the day you really need something open as caf will always suck on Sunday.
I know I can Google, and am about to, but maybe just a short explanation of what Cynar and Benedictine are and what they’d be doing to the drink? Have literally never heard of either and have been drinking for decades LOL.
It’s like this recipe I saw from a JW brand ambassador, I can imagine it tastes good in my mind,…
When you hard boil an egg get a spoon. Tap the egg with spoon to create a crack. Insert spoon into crack and follow it around the egg. Presto-chango - a peeled egg!
Love these articles btw. You’re mirroring my own home ramen journey but also doing God’s work at the same time helping others along!
You’re overthinking and overanalyzing it. The more nominations you have, the more likely something that’s truly revolutionary falls the way side.
No weird racial stuff or trump era politics. Simple stats. This would happen regardless of subject.
Good tip. I’ve been finding more and more uses for simple syrups (mostly old fashioneds LOL)
But I have to ask, who are these people that need sweeter dressings? Good lord, most current dressings are the table-spoonful equivalents of candy bars as is.
Maybe this is why some people say they are “eating healthy, but…
It’s all those puffy tacos in San Antonio :P
That’s a weird shift. I was from the start of the desert part of Texas. To me San Antonio and Houston were swamps compared to my home LOL.
If traveling internationally and eating street food, bring your own spoon (Tick had it right apparently). Most of the time you’re not getting sick from the food as street food is actually almost always super fresh/bought that day....it’s the cutleries and poorly washed plates (if used) that carry the germs.
I live in Se Asia tropics but grew up in humidity free Texas. Used to sweat an embarrassing amount. Started doing jiu jistu at a gym with little ac. Now I walk around fine on even the hottest days. In general with many people I've talked to the more active you are and sweating in appropriate situations the less you do…
Thank you for the article. It’s honestly something I’ve ever considered. If I’m honest I did find myself getting lightly defensive while reading which worries me I might be a reply guy.
Nice meeting you too Dan :)
It’s weird for me though because my training is Jiu Jitsu. So the muscles need to wrestle someone. So sometimes I’ll be a couple days off the mats and realize I’m sizing everyone in the board room up for a fight LOL.
I remember a friendship that ended because of my unchoice wording. Saw a friend who had previously been obese who easily lost over 100+ pounds. I was young and trying to be supportive. “Oh wow, you lost a ton of weight!” I exclaimed.
“Paul, I did NOT lose 2,000 lbs!”
I in now way thought the person would take the…
No “and then”????
Dude Where’s My Car would disagree....
There’s another type of pain/soreness I sometimes experience. It feels like soreness, but it’s actually my muscles craving the work out if that makes sense. It can seem very close to general tightness/soreness but sometimes if I’ve gone longer than usual without training it’s like my muscles have this unused energy…