
For me, I had ZERO idea any of this was going on. This “skit” was honestly my first exposure into the trainwreck that is R Kelly and caused me to do more research and reading. I never thought it played light with the girl’s circumstances, but firmly cast light/judgement on his actions. It was WAY more than anyone else

From a RPG realist perspective, they are doing an amazing job at making this game exactly as miserable as a real apocalypse. Too bad that’s not in any way shape or form how I’d like to spend my free time.

There was a really good point about this in Stephen King’s book on writing. He said he knew it was time for his son to quit learning instrument when he wasn’t practicing on his own. Basically that if it’s in you to play, that drive will push you to play even when you don’t have to.

His son went to all rehearsals and

I’m referring to what’s generally called “sticky rice” that has a completely different cooking style and finished appearance. Is this rice “sticky”...sort of. Is it “sticy rice” like you’d get it in Asia- not by a long shot.

Can be re-purposed to a Planet of the Apes set too!

Crazy Rich Asians and Isle of Dogs are easy misses. Neither does anything unique or new or were particularly entertaining. If those top out the year, but have been slow. 

Wes Anderson is slipping into Tim Burton territory - all style, very little substance. I LOVED Mr Fox and have been a fan since Bottle Rockets...and

Crazy Rich Asians and Isle of Dogs are easy misses. Neither does anything unique or new or were particularly

Far far far from sticky rice. Not even in the same galaxy really. 

Having skiid in some of the lowest places you can still get ski in, I’d often get too hot for jackets and ski gear. Would scotch guard some jeans and wear a tshirt and hit the slopes. And I think 80 is too cold LOL

Even Yahoo isn’t dead in Japan. Like their people, things just live longer lives there LOL

I was always curious why people will garnish an old fashioned with orange but not use a bit of the orange juice in place of the sugar? Seems like a slightly more natural sweetener sitting right there waiting?

That’s unfortunate. There are times to work new material and sets...NYE, not really one of them. Go to some podunk town on a Tuesday, drop in and bomb. It’s what Chappelle would do :)

As others have said. Often browsing site in between breaks at work or in places where can’t watch videos. A summary is appreciated. 

All the stars for decrypts an Edge Transit for him LOL

Nier Automata made for an amazing 2017

S is he arguing that he's Carlton? Because without the writers setting him up he'd have never done that dance. If anyone could claim it it would be the producers, writers or directors long before him. Many other people's decisions led to this dance. For him to claim he owns it disregards the work done by many other

A good reminder that the Old Fashioned can work with many different bases depending on temperature and moods. 

I missed some of these this year, but they all look great. Is Forza 4 a good Burnout replacement? It’s what it seems like to me, if I had a Xbone I’d grab it and see for myself, but sadly sold mine last year. 

Any word on if it’ll feature new releases or curated classics or a mix of both?

At this point I’ll take a PS4 re release. Just give us some kind of Portal please.