
What Cayde (RIP)said. Worldwide demand went up on a product that takes 6-12 years to realize a ramp up in production. At least they’re not dropping the stated production times to increase production like in the bourbon world.

At least you’re there in Japan. I have to wait for trips over (fingers crossed for next week) because in Bangkok it’s staggering.

Regular Yamazaki would be the equivalent of 2,000 THB in Tokyo or thereabouts...in Bangkok it’s 6500 THB (more than the price of 12 year in Japan)! The 12 year Yamazaki is 17500 THB!


A lot of words when this would have sufficed:

There are going to be whole ecosystems existing on the surface of these things. The bodily fluids mingling with Cheetos dust is going to create some epic miniature worlds living on top of gamer’s bodies.

I’m with you on that last thought. Though I’d take it up a notch. Just a random season of nailed it where contestants get assigned random hobbies or activities to do with zero preparation. Would be awesome to see woodworking, cosplay, cooking etc fails. Frankly I can’t get enough of them LOL

Mario’s first damsel finally getting her dues...sort of. 

Four years later and people are wondering about Diablo 4? This is the same Diablo right? Once we get over 10 you can start getting anxious folks. 

“Let’s replace our signature story telling with random interactions with asshole strangers online? That’s what our fans want?” - How did this pitch get green lit? Were they so high on the success of past releases they thought they could do no wrong?

Cough Cough, there’s an amazing Noguchi clone being sold in Thailand for like 200-300 bucks. Having owned the original, there’s not a shred of difference except the price (or maybe the glue/screws were SUPER high quality on the original? LOL). 

Cough Cough, there’s an amazing Noguchi clone being sold in Thailand for like 200-300 bucks. Having owned the

There’s a This American Life podcast all about this. It’s not seems like...it’s an actual thing with a name. Thank the double down. 

Hope my Guts and Proficiency are sufficiently leveled before attempting this. Well, at least I’ll get a gut point or two for trying. 

Far worse cities have been split/have had their own recommendation thread. So grouping these is a miss. They are unique and have their own identities (plus they combine for over 12 mil people) and would be impossible to take them all in a weekend.

Having said that. Go to Wabi House for ramen. Forget the bs about ramen

Norville Barnes FTW!

I can’t for the life of me figure out why records are making a comeback” and “Hipsters rejoice”

Maybe could just slide off that horse you’re on and give the deals? Judgmental commentary not beneficial to anyone on a deal posting. I guess it made you feel better though?

I can’t for the life of me figure out why records are making a comeback” and “Hipsters rejoice”

Maybe could just

Someone just got himself a job offer from Squeenix for this one. Top brass sitting around like “how could we not have thought of this already?” CEO Damien announcement pending shortly

That bottom picture. Did he borrow Steve Harvey’s teeth for his court appearance? Bet that’s why he got off. 

Bob’s Burgers TDay marathon. I guess on Hulu in USA?

As someone who’s driven on roads in Hanoi....good luck drivers :D

Well with sites like this leaking the hell out of every game under the sun.... ;)

Thanks for the reminder. Had flagged that for purchase before it released and then kind of forgot about it. Can’t wait to give it a read.