
It’s all explained quite clearly in the Voynich Manuscript.

This is not true, at all.

It has been brought up, but he’s under contract and cannot refuse to play for the Steelers. He has to show up to practice and participate etc. He can’t just do whatever he wants, if he does then the Steelers have would have a case to make that Brown isn’t conducting himself in accordance with his contract and can get

I mean in his defense, I wouldn't wanna be a Bill. It's lonely, sitting up there on Capitol Hill.

I’m a Bills fan. I’ve got jokes all day about how shitty we are. But if you boil it down - If you come to Buffalo and just fucking play, this city will love you. For fuck’s sake, they showed up in force for Scott Fucking Norwood after he missed the biggest kick in super bowl history. We love the guys who love the

What’s complicated? He’s a freak who used his ‘honey-trap’ compound to lure and rape little boys. Nothing at all complicated about that.

In the “interview”—which was picked up by a number of news sites, including our own—Johnson supposedly defamed the members of “generation snowflake” in a generally un-Rock-like fashion, being quoted as saying that “this generation are looking for a reason to be offended.”

It isn’t that baffling. No site in the Gawkmodoverse is going to miss an opportunity to virtue signal, especially at the expense of someone of immense celebrity.

So Rock beats Paper? Hat can't be right.

“Meanwhile, The Daily Star’s story continues to be up on the paper’s site; the organization has been sued for (and settled over) libel charges a number of times over the years, but it’s still baffling that they thought they could get away with allegedly straight-up inventing an interview with one of Earth’s most

Because when you have two of the best black skill position players in the game, you definitely have to side with your brain-made-of-jelly, held-together-with-duct-tape, soon-to-be-retired, whines-and-throws-everyone-else-under-the-bus, rapist, gray-dicked white QB.

Bell isn’t under contract.  He did not sign his franchise tender which is why he did not play last season. He is now a free agent.

Sure they were, otherwise she’d be filthy and covered in pressure ulcers and bedsores. They wouldn’t think she’s pregnant any more than you’d go to a 3rd grade Christmas pageant and think the chubby one in the middle is pregnant.  It’s borderline unthinkable that either one would be pregnant, and not really their job

You can’t be exploited when you make $14 million dollars per year.